Episode 64: How To Know What Which Problem Needs To be Fixed In The Business Right Now

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Conquering Workflows & Systems for Bookkeepers & Accountants podcast with Alyssa Lang, founder of Workflow Queen and Magnetic Bookkeeping & Consulting. Episode topic: How To Know What Which Problem Needs To be Fixed In The Business Right Now.

In this solo episode, Alyssa Lang covers how to cut to the chase and focus on the most important things in the business that need your attention by breaking down what core systems there are in the business and how to tackle your problems head on.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How to identify what systems need your focus and work to improve them

  • How to break down the different tech, systems and processes that require the most attention

  • How to stay laser focused using my step-by-step process to fixing the biggest problems first

Resources mentioned in this episode:

πŸ’» Breakthrough for Bookkeepers & Accountants

☎️ Book a 15 minute consult call to discuss what program is the right fit for you and your firm

βš™οΈ Alyssa’s tech stack at Magnetic Bookkeeping

βš™οΈ Miro

βš™οΈ Canva

πŸ’» Kickoff with Asana for Bookkeepers & Accountants

βš™οΈ Zapier

πŸŽ™ Workflow Queen’s Podcast

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Today let’s dive into a really important topic that I think a lot of people want the answer to, which is β€œAlyssa, how do I identify what needs to be worked on first?” Or β€œwhat is the biggest and most needed thing that needs to get fixed right now in the company?”

Because if you're anything like any other firm owners here, everybody is pulling out their hair, trying to be in 15 million parts of their business, trying to fix everything at one time…instead of really focusing heavily on one area that might need the biggest attention for you. That might be sales for you. That might be your onboarding process. That might be that you really need a team.

But maybe you're just like, β€œwhat comes first, the chicken or the egg?” So if that's you, then this episode is going to be absolutely perfect for you! There are some very strategic and logistical steps that we are going to be providing for you in this breakdown.

Identifying Key Systems That Need Focus

Identifying what to tackle first in your business can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack, right? Well, not anymore! It’s time to zoom in on one area that needs the most attention! The trick is to not get overwhelmed by the chaos, but to strategically pinpoint where the real issues lie.

Start with the four quadrants of your business:

  1. Sales and marketing

  2. Client systems

  3. Operations

  4. Team management.

Ask yourself, β€œWhere is the pain most concentrated?” Is it the lag in your sales process, or maybe client onboarding feels like a nightmare? That’s your starting point.

Here’s how you can start:

  1. Assess Your Pain Points: Reflect on areas causing the most stress or inefficiency. Is it sales, onboarding, or perhaps client management?

  2. Use the Quadrant Method: Divide your business into four quadrantsβ€”sales and marketing, client systems, operations, and team systems. Pinpoint which quadrant holds the process that’s bottlenecking your progress.

Understanding the Tech Behind Your Systems

In our digital age, the right tech can make or break your business efficiency. For instance, tools like Miro and Canva can be transformative. Miro is fantastic for visually mapping out your processes, almost like having a digital whiteboard session with your team from anywhere in the world. And Canva? It's not just for creating stunning graphics; you can use it to design visual workflows that make your processes clear and engaging.

  1. Inventory Your Tools and Systems: Start by listing out all the tools and technologies you currently use. This includes everything from your project management software like Asana or ClickUp, to your client relationship management systems, financial tools, and communication platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams.

  2. Evaluate Usage and Utility: Assess how each piece of technology or system is used within your business. Which tools are essential, and which are underutilized? Consider factors like user-friendliness, integration capabilities, and cost-effectiveness. Tools like Zapier can help automate workflows between apps that aren't natively compatible, potentially saving valuable time!

  3. Identify Process Bottlenecks: Look for bottlenecks in your processes. Where do delays typically occur? Is a particular tech tool causing more problems than it solves? For instance, if your team spends excessive time manually transferring data between systems, a tool like Zapier could automate these tasks efficiently.

  4. Map Out Each Process: Use visual tools like Miro or Canva to create flowcharts of your processes. This visual representation can help you see where complications arise and what systems or tech might be contributing to the issue. Each step should be clear, and any inefficiencies should be marked for review.

  5. Gather Team Feedback: Engage with your team to get their perspective on the tools and processes they use daily. They can provide insights into what’s working well and what isn’t. This feedback is invaluable for understanding the practical impact of your tech and systems.

  6. Prioritize Based on Business Goals: Align your tech and system improvements with your overall business goals. If customer satisfaction is a priority, streamline client communication and management systems. If growth is the goal, work on your sales and marketing tools.

Staying Laser-Focused with a Step-by-Step Approach

Now, let’s break down the step-by-step process to tackle these systems. Remember, it’s all about not biting off more than you can chew:

  1. Choose Your Focus System: Pick one quadrant to focus on. Let’s say it's your client systems.

  2. Map It Out: Use Miro to draw out the current process. Where does it start to tangle? Pinpointing this is where the magic happens!

  3. One Quarter at a Time: Give yourself a full quarter to revamp this system. It’s not about speed; it’s about being thorough and making a noticeable impact.

Actionable Steps to Elevate Your Firm Today:

  • Document Everything: Seriously, every little step. When you think you’ve written down enough, go even deeper.

  • Leverage Automation: Here’s where tools like Zapier come into play. Automate the mundane. Got a repetitive task? There’s probably a Zap for that.

  • Feedback Loops: Constantly seek feedback from those who use these systems daily. They’ll tell you what’s working and what’s frustrating.

I want to encourage you to take a step back. If you’re feeling super stuck and don't even know what process you need to be working on first, you can email me at support@workflowqueen.com OR send me a voice note on Instagram @workflowqueen and I’d love to chat through it with you!

Remember, the whole goal here is to become a removable CEO! Because as much as we would all love to have our team build these things out for us, that’s usually not the case for most firm owners. It starts with a little bit of elbow grease at first so pay off in the long-run!

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