Creating the System You Need to Manage Your Bookkeeping Firm, Beyond the Project Management Software

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I know what you’re thinking.

You already have your firm’s tasks and projects streamlined in Asana - what else could you possibly need?

Turns out, there’s actually a lot more to your project management system than the software you use!

When we’re talking about project management systems, we mean how you APPROACH everything you do. And this system should be in place no matter which software you’re using to manage tasks.

In this blog, we’re going to outline exactly what you need to know in order to manage your firm’s projects effectively!

You’ll learn:

  • How to leverage project management tips to be more productive

  • Our secret for making sure projects stay on track

  • How time tracking can dramatically improve your processes

So if you’re ready to start managing your projects with less stress and MORE efficiency…let’s dive in!

How to Use Systems to Manage Projects in Your Bookkeeping Firm

Like I said before, this isn’t about what’s in your tech stack. If you’re using Asana, Keeper, or something similar to keep track of your projects, keep it up!

Tech is a big piece of the puzzle when it comes to creating an effective project management system, but the system shouldn’t RELY on a specific software. That’s why creating a system around how you manage your projects is essential!

We love (and highly recommend) having a team member whose role is dedicated to managing the team and the projects in your firm. We have an Operations Manager here at Workflow Queen, but it doesn’t matter what their title is, as long as their role is to take the day to day off your plate!

Don't’ worry if you haven't’ been managing your projects up to this point, the fact that you’re reading this now will help set you up for success!

Four Things I Ask Myself Every Day to Manage Projects:

#1 What do my contractors need?

Contractors often have other projects they're working on, and if they’re waiting on you for information or content, the project isn’t going to move forward. Getting your contractors any missing information is first on the list because they’re the ones supporting your clients. Giving them your attention ASAP helps them move forward and avoid missing deadlines!

#2 What does my team need?

Next up is your team or any full time employees. When you have employees, you typically have more control over when they’re working on your projects and when you can expect a response. If they’re waiting on you for direction, chances are they have plenty of other tasks to complete while they wait.

#3 What do my clients need?

Once you’ve supported your team and contractors, it’s time to see what your clients need from you that they can’t get from anyone else. It might be a surprise that clients come third, but the reality is that when you have a team (and you’re properly delegating work), most client tasks should be off your plate!

#4 What do I need?

Last but not least, ask yourself what YOU need to do. This could include your CEO tasks or working on your business. Even though it seems like you come last, remember that the act of delegating is actually helping you put yourself first. It gives you the time to focus on the big picture stuff, and less on the more tedious tasks.

Simple Steps to Successful Project Management

For every project you start, you’ll want to focus on three categories:

  1. Deadline: What’s the timeline for each task and when does it all need to be done?

  2. Budget: How much time should we spend on each aspect of the project? Is it profitable?

  3. Resources: What do we need in order to complete the project?

Once you’ve answered those questions, lay out every single task that needs to be completed to execute the project. Break the project into phases or create milestones so you and your team have more digestible pieces to tackle instead of one big project.

Next, set clear expectations for anyone supporting you on the project. This leads to wayyy fewer questions and less uncertainty along the way. When your team knows exactly what you need from them, it’s easier to get the same results again in the future!

Use a project management software to house all the tasks for the project. We LOVE Asana for this, but just make sure you use something that allows you to assign each task and get a high level overview of the project. I love being able to pull reports in Asana based on a specific project, tag, or team member to get updates on the status of a project!

When you wrap up a project, it’s important to ask your team for feedback! Don’t be afraid to ask them what they thought of the process or if they noticed any room for improvement. This is vital information that you might’ve missed otherwise!

Time Tracking Your Tasks to Improve Your Processes

I talk a lot about time tracking and the huge part it plays in my business. And I do that because it’s seriously SUCH a game changer!

If you haven’t read my blog on time tracking and the beauty of Clockify yet, check it out!

Here’s my top tips on how to leverage your time tracking data for better project management:

  • Be super detailed when you name each task in your time tracker. Doing this helps you identify scope creep and figure out where you (or your team) is spending the most time. Then, you can audit your process afterward to find places to be more efficient!

  • Calculate how much labor/client you’re spending on this project. When you’re analyzing your time tracking data, look to see if there’s an opportunity to raise prices for that client if your profit margins aren’t where you want them to be!

  • Set expectations for next time. Now, you’ll have an idea of how much time to set aside for similar projects in the future!

Creating a system like this to help you manage projects is a MUST if you’re looking to delegate the day to day tasks or just run your firm with less stress.

In Breakthrough for Bookkeepers & Accountants, we have an entire lesson (and more) dedicated to this topic! We actually designed this whole group coaching program to help firm owners learn how to build and run thriving businesses with teams that help them scale.

And a big part of leveraging your team to help you scale is managing your projects with repeatable systems that you can easily delegate!

If you want IN on this high-touch program, join us and the incredible community of other bookkeepers and accountants taking their firm to the next level 👇


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