3 Essential Mindset Shifts for Self-Employed Bookkeepers and Accountants

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Do you find it hard to shift your mindset as a self-employed bookkeeper or accountant?

Running a firm is tough - whether you're solo or you have a team! Each phase of business brings its own challenges and rewards. If you go through phases of feeling discouraged, don't throw in the towel!

Everything is figure out-able.

The solution starts with simple mindset shifts that allow you to unlock your full potential and change how you approach situations that come up while running your firm.

Keep reading if...

  • You have a vision for the future of your firm, but you aren't quite sure how to make it a reality.

  • You sometimes doubt that you deserve the same success as your peers.

  • You are always making excuses as to why your struggles never seem to have solutions.

Mindset Shift #1

"I don't have capacity to grow or scale, even if I want to!"

Trust me, I know how hard it is to create room in your firm to take on more clients. The problem with this is that it puts you in the mindset that your capacity has a limit.

I'll tell you right now, expanding your capacity IS possible, and might be easier than you think.

By streamlining your services, increasing efficiency, and implementing systems, you can (potentially) create limitless capacity to take on new clients!

Here's the main takeaway from this mindset shift:

Systems and optimization make all the difference in your ability to scale, all it takes is some work upfront to set yourself up for success.

Mindset Shift #2

"I need my systems to be perfect before I can hire a team."

Oh, friend. I thought the same thing, but then I realized two things:

  1. There was no way I could accurately prepare my systems for a team before I even hired one

  2. Systems are ever-changing and growing, what works for a solopreneur may not work for a team

When you're creating systems, it is crucial you have someone ELSE look at them too! When I started implementing systems in my firm, I hired a team member who pointed out flaws and identified holes I may never have noticed. Listening to another perspective and building out systems alongside a team will often help you more than it may hurt you.

Here's the main takeaway from this mindset shift:

Don't forget that team members have great ideas too! You never know what kind of innovation and creativity someone has up their sleeve, so don't be afraid to take advantage of it.

Mindset Shift #3

"I feel so overwhelmed by the fact that systems and growth never truly stop!"

The idea that systems in your firm will constantly evolve IS daunting for sure! I always suggest starting with a project management system to organize your workflows and processes first. From there, you can begin to develop allll the other systems you'll need to run the firm of your dreams.

If you haven't implemented a project management system yet, you're in the right place! Check out my signature course, Kickoff with Asana for Bookkeepers & Accountants!

Systems are found in every aspect of your firm. Some examples of essential systems you need are:

  • Sales & Marketing Systems

  • Client Systems

  • Operations Systems

  • Team/People Systems

Creating robust systems for your firm is SUCH a game-changer! The first step is simply switching your mindset from searching for a "quick fix" to understanding that building the firm of your dreams means constantly evolving your systems!

Here's the main takeaway from this mindset shift:

The more your firm grows, your systems will have to grow with you. It's like I always say, "You can't run a six-figure firm with four-figure systems!".

Now that you know three crucial mindset shifts you can make in order to unlock your full potential as a bookkeeping firm owner, it's time to get to work!

Implementing optimized systems in your firm is the answer to most of the problems we face as self-employed bookkeepers and accountants. So, if your mindset is one that tells you that there are limits to your success, it's time to send those thoughts packing and shift into a mindset of power.

Want to know MORE about essential mindset shifts, optimizing your offers, creating systems and sooo much more? Join the waitlist for our kick-ass group coaching program: Breakthrough for Bookkeepers & Accountants!


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