How Investing in Yourself Will Actually Save You Time and Money

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Do you have a hard time investing in yourself?

Why is it so easy to spend a thousand dollars on a brand new iPhone, but the thought of spending the same amount on a program or tool is a tough decision?

I’ll tell you why. 

By investing in yourself, you are taking a risk. You are taking a leap of faith that you, and the thing/person you invest in, are going to be worth it. 

When I talk to bookkeepers and accountants about investing in themselves to better their practices, I often hear three objections:

  1. I’m afraid it will be a waste of time and/or money.

  2. I’m not ready to spend that kind of cash

  3. I can figure out a solution myself

While these are all valid concerns, I’m going to go ahead and address those concerns in this blog today!

Investing in Yourself Objection One: Waste of Time/Money

Investing in yourself is really all about mindset. Taking a course or hiring a coach is one thing. The material may be unbelievably valuable, but it ultimately means nothing unless you take the time to implement what you learn.

I’m not just limiting this to business, it is the same as if you were to hire a personal trainer. You might see great improvements for those six weeks of training, but come week seven, it’s all up to you. 

Note: If you have taken any of my courses, you know you have access to me and my team PLUS we hold you accountable for implementing the content far after you complete the course! Don’t worry, I got you!

Now, the best part about investing in yourself is knowing that you will have this knowledge forever. So even if you slip back into your old ways, you always have the resources to revisit!

Yes, there is a chance that investing in yourself could let you down. Trust me, I’ve purchased tools and courses that I hardly ever used. It was hard to come to terms with the fact that I would never see that investment again. But there are a few takeaways that helped me get through it…

  1. I learned what doesn’t work for me

  2. I am still worthy of investing in myself

  3. I will always have this new knowledge or tool in my back pocket

The bottom line here is that if you are considering investing in a course or a coach, do your research and choose what feels right. 

Investing in Yourself Objection Two: Financial Block

I know that investing in yourself often comes with a financial aspect as well as a time investment. Trust me, I know it’s hard to spend money that you’ve worked so hard to earn, when you don’t know exactly what kind of return to expect.

I get it. Making a financial investment up front can be rough. 

Let me tell you a little bit about my experience investing in myself. 

There came a point in my business when I realized that I needed to grow, but I wasn’t sure where to start. That is when I decided to make a hefty investment in a business coach *gulp*.

I did my research, made sure I was financially prepared, and I took the plunge. 

Here’s what happened: 

  • I gained a TON of wisdom from someone who was once in my shoes

  • I grew by business SO much faster under her guidance than I would have on my own

  • I skipped making a bunch of mistakes that would have set me back months or years

  • I saved valuable time and energy so that instead of struggling, I was scaling

  • I reached my goals and scaled to six figures ahead of my projected timeline

I can’t tell you how much value I got out of learning from someone who KNOWS my struggle because she’s HAD the struggle. Someone who has faced challenges and overcome them. Someone who was in the weeds and cut a clear path for the rest of us. 

Investing in Yourself Objection Three: Free Resources

We are lucky enough to have a TON of free content at our fingertips. What a time to be alive! 

A free training, a Google search, or a YouTube video is a good start, but how often do they get down to the nitty gritty? I remember I used to start a search and hours later find myself in a research vortex that left me more confused than when I began. 

When I think of the time wasted on searches for free content, it makes the investment on coaching from an expert seem like a no brainer. 

Don’t get me wrong, there is a LOT of free content out there that is full of value (in fact, you’ll find some right here). 

You can absolutely find success with anything you aspire to achieve using nothing but free resources and investing your time. In my experience, however, this tactic will take you months or years to reach your desired outcome. 

I want you to think about this: How much are you losing by spending all this time trying to piece together a solution using free resources? Are you missing out on income, time with family, or scaling opportunities because you are in analysis paralysis?

Do Your Future Self a Solid

The purpose of this blog is to emphasize the power of investing in yourself because I know first hand what it can do for your practice and your life. Setting yourself up for success is the BEST way to reach your goals, so why not expedite the process?

Heads up, if you are looking to scale your bookkeeping or accounting practice, I do offer a one on one coaching program!

1-on-1 coaching with me, Alyssa Lang, is for you IF:

  • You are ready to take your practice to the next level and you want to learn from someone who GETS IT

  • You lack sufficient workflows and systems to scale which is causing unnecessary stress

  • You have a team (or you plan to) and you need support with how to set up the operations and management side of your practice

This coaching program is NOT for you if:

  • You want to learn how to do bookkeeping

  • You haven’t started your bookkeeping or accounting practice yet (in which case, I recommend one of my courses)

  • You don’t use a project management system (again, I can help you!)

If you are experiencing growing pains while scaling your practice, I want to hear from you! Let’s work together and get right to the heart of problems you have with the operational/management side of things. I only have TWO spots open per quarter, so if you feel that you would benefit from this exclusive program, let’s connect!

Fill out the application here!

So, in this blog we’ve covered how to overcome the roadblocks of business growth by investing in yourself. Now you have the power to confidently invest without worrying if you will be wasting your time, wasting your money, or wasting your energy trying to figure it out alone. 

Are you big on investing in yourself? I would LOVE to hear about your experiences, positive or otherwise.


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