How to Host a Successful Sales Call and Close Clients (Without Feeling Sleazy)

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How would you define a successful sales call?

It might not mean you close every client. Success can mean that YOU got to make an informed decision about if the lead is a good fit for your firm.

But most people would rather chew off their own arm than get on sales calls - and I used to be the same way!

I used to be TERRIFIED to ask people to give me money to do their bookkeeping.

I would hop on Zoom and feel like I had to talk about what I do and how much the person on the other end needed my services. I didn’t know there was a strategy that could help me actually enjoy the call AND close the sale!

So in this blog, we’re going to cover the 6 things you can do in your sales calls to quit dreading them and gain some new clients along the way.

Wait, What’s a Sales Call?

A sales call is pretty much just a call you get on with a lead to see if you can help them solve a problem. Ideally, they’ll hire you to solve that problem and you’ve just landed yourself a new client!

But it’s not all about “getting the sale”. A sales call is a valuable tool that can help you decide if you want to work with this person. You’re not just there to convince them to work with you!

That’s where a lot of the fear around sales calls stems from, because most people aren’t comfortable asking for money.

But all it takes is a few easy adjustments to ensure you’re ready for sales calls that don’t actually feel salesy at all.

6 Best Practices for a Successful Sales Call

It took me a while to figure out how to create a system for my sales calls that felt authentic instead of awkward. Eventually, I got more confident in the services I provided which made it easier to approach sales calls with a different mindset.

Hot tip: Record your sales calls (ask for permission first) and review them later to see where you can improve!

When I had my first bookkeeping and tax practice, I didn’t really have a system for sales calls. Now that I’ve co-founded a new firm, we’ve made sure to implement a solid sales call system from the start.

1. Use a solid intake form

Before someone can book a call with you, ask them questions using an intake form.

Only ask relevant questions that give you the information you need to be fully prepared for the call.

You can ask things like:

  • What’s your business website?

  • What services are you looking for?

  • How did you hear about us?

  • Can you tell us more about your business?

  • Our service minimum is $X, are you comfortable with that?

The reason we ask if someone is comfortable with our minimum service fee is so they’re mentally prepared for when we give the final quote. If they respond with a ‘no’, that’s okay!

Asking these prequalifying questions are the best way to know right off the bat if this lead isn’t going to be a good fit. But I’d still hop on the call to see if there’s any other way we can support them.

2. Research the lead

Once someone fills out your intake form, use the information to do your research.

Check out their website to learn more about what they do, where they’ve been featured, and who they serve.

Make notes about connection points you can use during the call that may help break the ice and build the relationship. But be genuine about it! People can totally tell when you’re just asking to get it out of the way.

3. Ask genuine questions

In general, you’ll want to listen more than you talk during the call. You can do this by asking questions you truly want the answers to!

Questions you could ask might be:

  • Why’d you start your business?

  • What’re your goals?

  • What’s something you’re struggling with right now?

  • What’re you doing right now to solve that problem?

Asking questions like this helps you understand more about how you can support them...which gives you great material for the next step in the process!

And take notes about their responses - you’ll need this information in step 6.

4. Lead with value

Take what you learn from the questions you asked and share as much valuable information you can! Don’t worry about overdoing it on how much you tell them - it’s just going to show that you know what you’re talking about.

If someone’s a good fit, they’ll recognize that you’re the BEST person to have in their corner and help them solve their problem. They’re not just going to take what you’ve given them and do it themselves.

5. Recap the conversation

Towards the end of the call, just give a quick recap of the conversation including:

  • What they’re struggling with right now

  • What they’ve tried already

  • What would solve the problem

Let them know a MINIMUM that your services would cost, and that you’ll send them a quote after you’ve reviewed their current books.

If you can, have them give you access to their accounting software before you leave the call!

6. Follow up ASAP

Right after the call, send them a (templated) email and include any personalization you can.

If you mentioned any resources they might want to check out, remind them what they were and where to find them.

Use this opportunity to make them feel great about the conversation you just had! And make sure to restate when they can expect an official proposal.

How to Take Your Firm to the Next Level

Now you’re ready to go out and have FUN sales calls!

Once you create a system that feels good for your sales process, hopping on Zoom calls won’t be so painful.

Using these tips, you can FINALLY close more of your ideal clients without sweating the ‘sales’ part of a sales call. Taking the initiative to show value first will help your services sell themselves.

But if you’re still not feeling confident enough to take all of this greatness and run with it...

You’d probably LOVE our signature program: Kickoff with Asana for Bookkeepers & Accountants!

In this program, we’re handing over all the knowledge we’ve gained through building a six-figure firm and Workflow Queen.

Because we didn’t reach those goals by accident! We learned to implement a sales process that streamlined our sales calls (with the help of a handy template!).

Kickoff with Asana for Bookkeepers & Accountants is for you if you’re tired of guessing how to create a sales process and host better, less cringey sales calls. We’re showing you exactly how to do that using our proven sales funnel process!

We include all the steps in the journey of what to do when you get a new lead, what to ask on a sales call, and how to follow up. It’s an airtight sales workflow, and it’s freaking awesome.

Joining Kickoff with Asana for Bookkeepers & Accountants gives you our exact Sales Funnel Template and 30+ other Asana templates to help you streamline your firm, fast.


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