Episode 11: How to Leverage Social Media to Create Relationships with Your Ideal Clients with Alex Beadon

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I interview Alex Beadon, the owner and founder of Beadon International who’s on a mission to help online course creators scale their online courses to six and seven figures. I’ve worked closely with Alex Beadon throughout the years through one-on-one coaching and through her group program, Together We Launch. She’s a social media genius and we dive into how to leverage it to get in front of your right audience and make connections online.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • The changes Alex has seen in business since she started over 10 years ago and how social media has shifted

  • How to show up as an introvert on social media

  • How to build relationships with your audience clients online and through social media

  • How to be consistent and how to recognize when you need to give yourself a break

  • How creating rinse and repeat methods helps your business thrive

  • How to value yourself and work through your money mindset issues

Resources mentioned in this episode:

💻 Project Storyline (Alex Beadons membership program that provides prompts for social media)

💻 Together We Launch (Alex Beadons group coaching program for launchers)

💻 Kickoff with Asana for Bookkeepers & Accountants

⚙️ Notion

🎙On Purpose with Alex Beadon podcast

📚 The Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson

📚 Lucky Bitch by Denis Duffield-Thomas

📝 The Launch Expansion Method Training (Learn how to scale your online course to six, multi-six, or even SEVEN figures with this FREE training!)

Listen to the Full Episode here 👇🏼

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Alex Beadon and I are diving into SO many golden nuggets today in this blog/podcast.  I’ve been personally coached by Alex and I’m a HUGE fan of her courses.  Many of her concepts, theories, and things that she helped me with helped me kickoff Workflow Queen and some of the concepts have also trickled into my Magnetic Bookkeeping and Consulting firm. I’m so excited to share her with you!

She’s been in the business long enough to see the changes that have come through social media. Today we dive into all things social media like:

  1. How to transition into using social media for business

  2. How to show up in these online spaces, even as an introvert

  3. How to create relationships using social platforms

Okay, friends. Let’s talk social media!

Is It Worth It For Your Business To Be Online?

Alex has been such an important part of my business. Seriously, I wouldn’t be in your ears or in front of your eyes without her. That’s for real!

And let me tell you— when I found Alex on Instagram, I basically stalked her page every day to get my name in front of her. I was drawn to Alex because she is such a vibe. She’s a vibe and a half. She has the best energy, and I just knew she would be able to coach me.

I didn’t know how to express myself on social media and felt so exposed. I leaned on Alex because she had the know-how, and I had so many questions right out of the gate.

How do I reach my audience? Who are the people in my industry I should be talking to? How do I get in front of or find the right audience?

And her background is what gives her the knowledge to answer these. She’s been in business for a long time. She’s been selling products online since 2011. Which means she has seen all things social media change and transition to where they are now.

When Alex first started working online, it was almost shameful to be on the internet. Like she was some weird blogger troll. Luckily, that’s no longer a thing! There’s so much more understanding of how the internet impacts our lives, our mental health, and our businesses.

As much as it changes— YES. It’s worth it to be on social media. It’s worth it to blog. It is worth it to be “out there” on the internet. Alex always says, “if my parents had access to the internet, their whole lives would've been different.”

That’s so true. Think of the power of this tool that can tap you into so many more opportunities that did not exist before you started clicking around. And it's FREE.

(Okay, okay, you have to pay for the internet. But other than that, for the most part, it’s free. And at the least, it’s inexpensive. So, Alex and I see being online as a need and a privilege. We love being online!)

Tips For Building Socials That Show Off “You”

Remembering social media is a privilege is an important message for our industry because, for a lot of bookkeepers and accountants, we’d rather stay behind the computer. We like the behind-the-screen hiding and not being in a brick-and-mortar or an in-house employee like we once were.

And now it’s even more that way because most of us are staying home and working virtually. So if it’s not something you actually want to do, it makes sense to be nervous to get on Instagram and jump right into sharing stories!

Surprise! Alex says for being around in this industry for as long as she has, it’s actually the introverts who tend to thrive on social media platforms. That may be because a lot of social media is about building a relationship with yourself, fine-tuning your ideas, your voice, what you wanna speak about, what you wanna be known for, what differentiates you within your industry, and just plain YOU.

Yes, you. YOU’RE NOT JUST ANOTHER BOOKKEEPER! You’re the face of your company. Stop looking at what every other bookkeeper and accountant is doing on social media!

(Okay, follow them a little bit. Enough to know the trends in your industry online, and maybe even connect with a new biz bestie!)

But following other bookkeepers and accountants 24/7 will only lead to you comparing yourself to them and their social presence. You need to follow others online, and paying attention to what draws you to them will benefit you too.

Another tip? Be an active participant, enjoy the platforms you're on, and understand the culture of the platform you're posting on. Remember I said I used to stalk Alex’s Instagram, and I’d comment, and I’d show up to her live streams? I was engaging with that community because I wanted to connect with her.

And guess what? That's great because not only did she see me, but everyone in her circle saw me too. Anyone who sees the feed post, they're seeing your name underneath it. That's good for you and your business. Someone might click through your posts and start to like you and your vibe!

And lastly— just create. Just press post. Just show up. Make sure that you're doing it on a consistent basis. You’re going to have to show up and feel like you're not really hitting the mark for a while until you actually hit the mark. And that's just a part of the creative process.

Alex feels like there are seasons on socials where she is just KILLIN it. All her posts are hitting the mark, and she’s trending, and she’s crushing it. And there are seasons where it’s crickets.

So she just trusts the process. And she keeps going. And she keeps showing up.

Setting Up Repeatable Systems, SOPs, And Utilizing Programs for Socials

Okay, this sounds like a lot of work. And like all things in our business— it is at first. The front end is a lot of figuring out your voice, learning the trends, when to post, how to post, and where to post.

But you can put so many things in place to take social media in stride and make it feel less daunting. One of them is called Project Storyline. It’s basically an Instagram story prompt that you can use just for business owners. It really helps with that mental block of “I know I SHOULD be posting every day— but what the hell do I say?!”

One essential piece of our tech stack is Notion, and we use it for SO many things. Alex and I are obsessed. We could talk about Notion forever. Okay. Not forever. But for real, a long time. It’s another amazing platform to check into if you’re searching for something to get you started in creating and organizing your content for social media.

Another HUGE time saver is setting up repeatable systems for social media. If you know me, you already KNOW I love anything that’s going to make me more efficient! There are key pivotal moments in my business, and one of my first moments was using Asana and creating rinse and repeat steps that I could duplicate and just realized— DING!  It just makes everything so much easier.

Setting these up before there’s an emergency in your life or your business frees up your future self to deal with things as they come. This can look different for everyone on socials— maybe it’s what you post each weekday, when you post, or creating a large bank folder of images to post so you’re not thinking about it. Whatever your methods are, they’re going to be there when you need to step away from the spotlight and let the back end take over for a while.

Having systems also allows for things to be easily outsourced. So if social media STILL isn’t your vibe, and you still really hate it, it would be a lot easier to hire a contractor to take it off your plate altogether.

And no system lasts forever. As you grow and your business grows, you’ll need to update your systems. I encourage EVERYONE to allow things to change and to morph into new and different ones. Because that’s where the fun comes in down the line!

If you’re ready to level-up your brand on social media platforms like Instagram, check out Social Media Kits for Bookkeepers!

About our guest:

Alex Beadon has been launching online courses and digital offers since 2011. She creates epic, branded, online experiences that are unforgettable. She is a Launch Strategist who helps online course creators scale their courses by teaching her signature six-figure launch framework in her program, Together We Launch.

Connect with Alex Beadon:

Connect on Instagram: @alexbeadon

Thanks for listening. If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram stories and tag me, @workflowqueen For more information about the Conquering Workflows & Systems for Bookkeepers & Accountants Podcast or interest in our programs or mentoring visit our resources below:

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