Episode 5: How to Make What We Do Sound Interesting Through Copywriting with Jennifer Curfman

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Alyssa Lang interviews Jennifer Curfman, the founder of Untamed Creative and incredible copywriter for business owners who want to create an unforgettable brand voice that feels authentic to them. We dive into the what a copywriter can do for your bookkeeping business and how to make what we do exciting through words.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How to determine content ideas based off surveying your clients

  • How to gather data and information that your clients and prospects want to know more about

  • Tips, tricks and ideas to use AI to help you create content and copy

  • How to be authentic in your own voice when explaining what we do

  • How to leverage a copywriter to help you attract prospects through freebies

Resources mentioned in this episode:

⚙️ Loom (video & screen recording)

⚙️ Voxer (voice note app)

⚙️ Kartra (marketing software)

⚙️ Chat GPT

💻 Free Voice of Customer Data Course (learn how to get the best testimonials and helpful customer feedback)

Listen to the Full Episode here 👇🏼

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Bookkeeping and accounting firms aren’t the easiest subjects to simplify and spice up when you’re writing content for emails, landing pages, or blogs. It can be HARD to find the words to explain how you help your clients in a way that sounds exciting and compelling — especially if you’re not a huge fan of writing!

Jennifer Curfman, the founder of Untamed Creative, is an incredible copywriter for business owners. Her goal? Creating an unforgettable brand voice that feels authentic to each client.

In this blog, she’ll be walking us through what great copy can do for your bookkeeping firm (Jen has been amazing for both of my businesses!) and how to make what we do exciting through the power of words.

Why Use Your Own Voice In Your Copy

Funny story — Jen was hired as an assistant here at Workflow Queen. Her writing on some onboarding paperwork made me realize her writing style was incredible and the EXACT vibe I needed in my copy.

She loves writing for bookkeepers so she can take their content from the expected snooze-fest to using the client’s ACTUAL VOICE! There’s a time and place for serious, but why make your writing vanilla when you can show up as you are (especially if you’re a hot fudge sundae)?

Now I know that what we do is no joke, and what we do in our industry is sooo important. But showing your personality is how you build trust with clients, and you don’t have to forget who you are when working in a serious field.

Don’t diminish yourself or make yourself small because you might potentially lose a client. There’s no need to shrink yourself to fit inside a predetermined “bucket.” I used to hide my tattoos under long sleeves out of fear that people wouldn’t take me seriously. Now I know being me means I am attracting people that best align with who I am.

And that is the goal right there. Authenticity. Connection. We all want to bring clients to our firm that align with us. So you want to build real personality factors in your writing.

To be authentically “you,” your copywriter needs to get so close to you that they know how you speak in your lingo. Someone else needs to be able to read it in your same voice! That brings the “you” through in your writing and makes you stand out and catch the attention of like-minded people who might want to work with you!.

Tips on The Process For Writing Great Content

The process Jen and I use to get content starts with me delivering a Loom video to Jen, talking about whatever topic I need her to get me content about. Sending her the topic on a Loom video helps our process so much. It gives our content and topics the feel of a conversation.

(Props to Jen for being able to find that message when I babble off track or my dog Harley is eating something he isn’t supposed to in the background 🤣)

Hiring someone to write your content is an expense that some people starting out may not be able to afford, and I want to honor that reality. Many people write their content on their own, which, a lot of time might mean staring at a blank page. Steal our Loom concept! But since you’re not talking to anyone else— you could make voice notes on your phone, use Voxer to message yourself or even just video yourself talking about your topic of choice.

Jen’s other suggestion on how to get past that ‘blank page syndrome’ is to set a fifteen-minute timer and list out as many things as you can in these categories:

  1. What does my target audience fear?

  2. What are things that they hate, or what pisses them off about bookkeeping/accounting/taxes?

  3. What do they want? And not just surface-level wants— try to dig deep!

Write as much as you can in 15 minutes for each of these categories. Then stop, and use those as jumping-off points to start writing emails or Instagram captions. It doesn’t have to be Loom. You can even get on Zoom with a friend and be like, “Hello, I’m gonna tell you about something you don’t care about. But just pretend!”

Just getting your ideas and thoughts out of your head is a step in the right direction!

Other Creative Ways To Get Content Ideas

Thanks to the internet, you don’t have to be the sole source of inspiration when it comes to creating content! We have access to so many awesome resources and data out there, you just have to know where to look and how to leverage it!

Is AI the next content writing expert?

The reality is, if you don’t think AI like Chat GTP is a thing or that it will be part of the future, you’re probably not paying attention.

Jen’s experience with AI (at the time of this recording) is that it takes enough effort to put your thoughts and intention in there that you could almost write your content on your own by the time you’ve fed the keywords, tone, and topic into an AI generator.

Have you ever met a robot you want to go to brunch with? Probably not. And that is what a human brings to content. It connects with people and gives them emotions about the topic you’re writing about!

AI can always translate ideas. But it can’t translate YOU. It can’t put that personal touch on things. Because a bot can only write about something if you know what prompts to feed it, so it’s not super helpful if you don’t even know what to tell it in the first place.

When I tell Jen something, there are so many times that she asks follow-up questions that then lead to deeper ideas. That connection between the client and content writer is soooo important, and AI isn’t going to build that connection.

Can you leverage AI as a jumping-off point for ideas? Yes! Should you rely on it for publish-ready content? No.

As you push to leverage AI, you also have other things to leverage. Like the location of your posts. Where does your client hang out? Are they Facebook users? Do they hang out on Instagram, LinkedIn, somewhere else? How you answer those questions is where you focus your energy!

A creative way to read the minds of your ideal clients

Bookkeepers and accounting firms rarely utilize email marketing. I do, but Jen and I are shocked at how that isn’t used more. Email is so much less pressure, and there’s less song and dance there. There’s less competition there compared to social media. So you could create an email list and make a goal to send an email every week or biweekly.

But what are your emails going to say? Don’t overthink that. If you’re unsure what you should be writing about or what your people need to know— consider asking them. Jen uses a survey that she has firms send out to their most successful or longest-term clients, and she pulls data from the survey and uses THOSE WORDS as jumping-off points! This is called Voice of Customer Data mining, FYI.

(Get more great tips about using customer data in Jen’s email course. Free Voice of Customer Data Course is how you can learn to get the best testimonials and helpful customer feedback through surveys. And BONUS— it’s free!)

Jen’s top tip? Use open-ended questions:

  1. What was going on in your business before you started looking for a solution?

  2. What concerns do you have about hiring someone?

  3. (Current/Previous client) How has your business improved since working with me?

  4. What would be your dream outcome after hiring a bookkeeper?

If you don’t have existing clients, go where your potential clients are. You can entice people to fill out the survey by raffling off a coffee gift card, setting up coffee chats with people you’re interested in, or picking the brains of people in Facebook groups.

Remember that “done” is better than “perfect”! As you create more content and send out more surveys, you’ll get a better feel for your firm’s needs. And if content creation isn’t your zone of genius; outsourcing can be SUCH a life saver when you’re ready!

About our guest:

Jennifer is the owner of Untamed Creative and copywriter for business owners who want to create an unforgettable brand voice that feels authentic to them, instead of sounding like a generic nothingburger. She looks terrible in stripes, pretends to know how to crochet, and will always say YES to ordering a pizza.

Connect with Jennifer Curfman:

Visit her website: https://www.untamed-creative.com/

Connect on Instagram: instagram.com/untamed.creative/

Email Jennifer: jennifer@untamed-creative.com

Free Voice of Customer Data Course (learn how to get the best testimonials and helpful customer feedback): https://untamedcreative.ck.page/free-voc-course

Thanks for listening. If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram stories and tag me, @workflowqueen For more information about the Conquering Workflows & Systems for Bookkeepers & Accountants Podcast or interest in our programs or mentoring visit our resources below:

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