Episode 58: Aligning Business with Authenticity: Energetic Strategies for Growth with Renee Dick

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Conquering Workflows & Systems for Bookkeepers & Accountants podcast with Alyssa Lang, founder of Workflow Queen and Magnetic Bookkeeping & Consulting and Renee Dick, Founder of Fresh Life Approach, about how to create an energetic strategy that aligns with your business and your life. Episode topic: Aligning Business with Authenticity: Energetic Strategies for Growth.

Alyssa Lang interviews Renee Dick, Founder of Fresh Life Approach, about how to create an energetic strategy that aligns with your business and your life. They deep dive into Human Design, Gene Keys and how to translate the information to serve you in all areas of life.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Difference between your energetic strategy and a business strategy and how they can compliment each other

  • How to align your energy with your marketing

  • How to understand how your team operates through their human design

  • What human design, gene keys and your energy have to do with business

Resources mentioned in this episode:

πŸ“š The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

πŸ“š The Gene Keys by Richard Rudd

πŸ“Š Get your FREE Human Design

Renee’s Programs & Resources:

πŸ’» Fresh Life Group Coaching (Group Coaching)

πŸ’» The Rebel Coaching (1:1 Coaching)

Listen to the Full Episode here πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

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I recently had this amazing chat with Renee Dick on our podcast, and let me tell you, it was like uncovering the secret sauce to blending who you are with what you do. We dove deep into how your vibe (yeah, I'm talking about that energy you radiate) can totally transform your business game. And it's not just fluff; it's about making your business a genuine reflection of you. So, let's break it down, casual-style, on how to make your business vibe with your true self.

The Journey Begins

The introduction to Renee came through a mutual connection, Brooke Swan, and it was one of those moments where you instantly know your paths were meant to cross. Renee's vibrant energy and deep understanding of human design and its application in business immediately resonated with me. As someone deeply fascinated by personality assessments and the inner workings of the mind, the concept of integrating this with business strategy was SOOO cool to me.

The Heart of Energetic Strategy

Renee opened up a new world for me - one where business decisions are not just made based on data and analytics but are deeply connected with our energy! Human design, a system that combines astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakras, offers a blueprint of our energetic disposition. Understanding this can significantly impact how we navigate business challenges, team management, and personal growth.

For instance, learning about my "Projector" nature explained sooooo much about my struggles with traditional work routines and my need for recognition. It was like finding the missing piece of a puzzle I didn't know I was missing!

Flow With Your Natural Tendencies

One of the most powerful moments in our conversation was when Renee shared how aligning her business practices with her human design not only brought her success, but also a massive sense of fulfillment and ease. This resonated deeply with me, as I chatted about my own journey of self-discovery and the countless times I had pushed against my natural tendencies in an attempt to fit into a conventional mold of success. Ughhhh.

Renee's journey from feeling stuck in repetitive patterns, to embracing her unique energetic strategy and witnessing quantum leaps in her business was not just inspiring; it was a call to action. It made me reflect on my own practices and how I could further align them with my energetic blueprint.

Why This Matters to You

You might wonder how energetic strategy and human design can impact your business and personal life. The truth is, understanding your unique energetic makeup can transform the way you approach every aspect of your life. It can lead to more aligned decision-making, improved team dynamics, and a deeper connection with your work and personal goals.

For entrepreneurs and business leaders, this knowledge is invaluable! It offers a fresh perspective on productivity, efficiency, and fulfillment. It encourages us to honor our natural rhythms and strengths, leading to sustainable growth and success. NO BRAINER.

It's Like Peanut Butter & Jelly: Energetic and Business Strategies

First off, Renee got me thinking about how our personal energy and our business strategies are like two peas in a pod. Imagine your business strategy is like plotting the best road trip ever, and your energetic strategy is the playlist that sets the mood. One without the other? Sure, it works, but together, they create magic. It's about making sure the way you work lights you up and gets you where you want to go, without burning out or selling out.

For example, finding out I'm a "Projector" in the human design world was a game-changer. It meant I'm here to guide, not to hustle 24/7. Embracing this has made my work more impactful and way less draining.

Aligning Your Energy with Your Marketing to Feel Like YOU

Renee shared some golden nuggets about making your marketing feel as comfy as your favorite hoodie. It's all about letting your true self shine through. If you're trying to be all things to all people, you're going to end up feeling as authentic as a three-dollar bill. But when you tap into your unique energy, your marketing starts to attract the right peeps like a magnet.

For me, as a Projector, it's all about the invite. Blasting out cold pitches? Not my jam. But creating spaces where people feel seen and heard? That's where the magic happens.

Understanding Your Team Through Human Design

Ever wonder why some teams click and others clunk? Renee pointed out that understanding your team's human design can be like cracking the code to smooth collaboration. It's about playing to each person's strengths and not forcing square pegs into round holes.

Imagine a workplace where everyone gets to do what they naturally rock at. Not only does stuff get done more efficiently, but everyone's also happier doing it. That's the power of aligning work with your team's energetic blueprint.

The Role of Human Design, Gene Keys, and Energy in Business

This chat with Renee was a deep dive into how knowing your human design and gene keys isn't just woo-woo stuff; it's about unlocking your potential in business and life. Think of it as having a map that shows you where your treasure is buried. It's about understanding your unique strengths and how to use them, so your work feels more like a calling and less like a grind.

The Takeaway

Our convo was a real eye-opener to the fact that blending your personal energy with your business isn't just nice to have; it's essential for growth that feels good. It's about creating a business that's as unique as you are and loving every minute of it.

So, if you've ever felt like your business was wearing someone else's clothes, it's time to dive into your energetic strategy and make your business truly yours. Trust me, it's a game-changer.

Make sure to tune in to this episode to learn more!

About our guest:

I’m Renee, your new BFF, and personal empowerment guide. I help women entrepreneurs finally get the heck out of their own way and break through their limiting beliefs so they can show up in their business like never before. I also pair energetic, easy-peasy spiritual tools and practices without all the fluff and overwhelm.

Connect with Renee:

Check out her website: www.freshlifemarketing.com/programs
Listen to her podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/woo-woo-wednesday/id1531176798

Follow her on Instagram: @freshlifeapproach

Thanks for listening. If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram stories and tag me, @workflowqueen For more information about the Conquering Workflows & Systems for Bookkeepers & Accountants Podcast or interest in our programs or mentoring visit our resources below:

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