Episode 62: Birthday Special: Overcoming Challenges, Reflections on Business, Relationships, and Self-Discovery

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Conquering Workflows & Systems for Bookkeepers & Accountants podcast with Alyssa Lang, founder of Workflow Queen and Magnetic Bookkeeping & Consulting. Episode topic: Birthday Special: Overcoming Challenges, Reflections on Business, Relationships, and Self-Discovery

In this solo episode, Alyssa Lang covers a very special topic about reflecting on her birthday, reflecting on what opportunities the business has created, reflections on what’s brought her here and how you can apply the same process to your reflections.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What doors, opportunities, ups and downs the business has provided for Alyssa in her business journey

  • Alyssa’s three biggest failures in business and how she learned from them

  • Ways to reflect on your business to see how you’ve progressed as a business owner in life and business

Resources mentioned in this episode:

☎️ Book a Human Design Reading with Brooke Swan at Aligned Self

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Hey party people, it's Alyssa! So, guess what? It’s my birthday, and I’m here not just to celebrate but to spill the real tea on my past yearβ€”both the mess and the good stuff. Birthdays aren’t just about cake and candles; they’re perfect for reflecting. As your fellow tax season survivor and business bestie, I want to share the highs, the lows, and the invaluable lessons learned along the way. Plus who doesn’t love to hear the REAL tea??

Celebrating Successes

What a year it's been! From navigating the chaos of tax season to reshaping my personal life, my business has been my wild sidekick, pushing boundaries and testing limits. From ending a relationship that no longer fostered my growth, to strengthening connections with those who do, the impact has been seriously HUGE. It's fascinating how much my business has intertwined with my personal identity and development. This year, it’s shown me who I am when the going gets tough and who’s riding this crazy train with me.

Learning From Failures

No journey is without its challenges, and mine is no exception.

Alright, let’s talk about the elephant in the roomβ€”failures. Yep, I’ve had a few, but hey, who hasn’t? Let’s break down my top three β€œOh no she didn’t” moments.

Failure 1: Business Before Life

I often joke that I was born to be in the accounting space, with my birthday landing right after tax day. However, my commitment to my business has sometimes come at a personal cost.

There were times when my health, both mental and physical, took a backseat to my business ambitions. I've learned the hard way that neglecting personal well-being can undermine even the most successful professional achievements.

There were days I was so buried in my work that I forgot to live a little (or a lot). Missing out on that self-care and sunshine taught me that hey, even hustlers need a break.

It was during a late-night work marathon that it hit me: This isn’t sustainable. I needed to find balance. My biggest takeaway? Success isn’t just about profit; it’s also about well-being.

Failure 2: The Rushed Partnership

Getting a business partner seemed like a brilliant idea at the time. But I learned the hard way that compatibility in business is as crucial as in any relationship. Diving headfirst into a business partnership without stopping to think if we actually jived well…Spoiler alert: we didn’t.

I jumped into a business partnership fueled by excitement without stopping to check if our visions aligned. It sounded like a great idea to combine forces, but our work styles clashed dramatically. We were like two chefs trying to cook a single dish with different recipes. It was frustrating, and it stifled our business’s growth. Eventually, we had to part ways, which was tough but necessary. The lesson was clear: compatibility in vision is key to a successful partnership!

Failure 3: Ignoring My Gut

Trusting your gut is more than just a clichΓ©. Here’s the thing about gut feelingsβ€”they’re usually right. This year, I learned the hard way that overlooking those inner nudges can lead to regrettable decisions. Like the time I passed on what turned out to be a golden opportunity because it felt too risky. Later, I saw the success that could have been mine, and it stung. Now, I prioritize that inner voice. It’s my secret weapon for making decisions that truly align with my values and goals. Trusting my gut is now my superpower.

It’s About the Company You Keep

This year wasn’t just about contracts and clients; it was a full-on soap opera of relationships. Shout out to my birthday twin, Jeremy, who’s been an absolute gem! Our shared birthday just doubles the fun. Our shared experiences remind me why it’s so important to surround yourself with people who uplift and understand you, especially when you’re navigating the stormy waters of entrepreneurship.

Now, I’m turning the mic over to you. What’s your year been like? Take a minute, think about what your own rollercoaster has taught you about your business, your relationships, and, yeah, about you!

Here’s to more adventures, more lessons, and, of course, more birthday cake!

Have you had similar experiences or insights during your own reflections? I'd love to hear about them. Connect with me on Instagram @workflowqueen or shoot me an email at support@workflowqueen.com. Thanks for being part of my story, and I can't wait to continue this journey together.

Thanks for listening. If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram stories and tag me, @workflowqueen For more information about the Conquering Workflows & Systems for Bookkeepers & Accountants Podcast or interest in our programs or mentoring visit our resources below:

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