Episode 66: How to Navigate New Hires, Trainings and Different Learning Styles with Megan Dziewicki

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How to Navigate New Hires, Trainings, and Different Learning  Styles with Megan Dziewicki

Conquering Workflows & Systems for Bookkeepers & Accountants podcast with Alyssa Lang, founder of Workflow Queen and Magnetic Bookkeeping & Consulting and Megan Dziewicki, Owner and Founder of CLEAN Bookkeeping. Episode topic: How to Navigate New Hires, Trainings, and Different Learning Styles with Megan Dziewicki

Alyssa Lang interviews Megan Dziewicki, Owner and Founder of CLEAN Bookkeeping, about navigating health issues and running a business by hiring the right people to support you when you need them most in your bookkeeping.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How to navigate health issues with managing your business

  • What it’s like to be at a point in business where you can start to donate and give back to your community and the things you believe in

  • How Megan used our programs Kickoff with Asana and Breakthrough to get her business to a point where it’s running without her

  • How to create structure when hiring and training team members to support her business

Resources mentioned in this episode:

πŸ’» Breakthrough for Bookkeepers & Accountants

πŸ’» Kickoff with Asana for Bookkeepers & Accountants

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If you're hiring or training new team members, you gotta check out this episode! I had an awesome chat with Megan Dziewicki, the owner of Clean Bookkeeping, LLC. Megan's story is super inspiring and full of great tips for bookkeepers and accountants!

A Unique Niche: People Over Industries

Who wouldn't love getting referrals without even asking for them? Megan has nailed this by focusing on relationships over specific industries. Clean Bookkeeping serves small businesses all over the country, offering full bookkeeping services and specializing in cleanup work.

Megan said, "Our niche is more about the type of person we work with. We need to be a good fit for each other, and that’s something you can usually tell within the first few minutes of a discovery call."

This relationship-first strategy has helped Clean Bookkeeping thrive, working with a diverse range of businesses from construction companies to creative agencies.

Building Strong Client Relationships

At Clean Bookkeeping, client relationships are everything! Megan's team is all about open communication and exceptional support to make clients feel valued and understood. This approach has helped them keep clients and get lots of referrals.

"We’re there for our clients," Megan emphasized. "They can call us with any questions, and we're an open book. This level of support has been key to our success."

Overcoming Personal Challenges

Megan’s journey took a turn when she discovered she had the BRCA2 gene, increasing her cancer risk. She decided to undergo a preventative double mastectomy, and to everyone's surprise, she found out she was pregnant soon after.

Balancing personal challenges and running a business wasn’t easy. Megan credits tools like Asana and the Breakthrough program for helping her streamline operations and scale her business while managing her health. "Having these tools in place was crucial," she said. "It allowed me to focus on my health and my business simultaneously."

Action Steps: Navigating Health Issues While Managing Your Business

  1. Prioritize Self-Care:

    • Schedule Health Appointments: Make sure to prioritize your health appointments and treatments. Your health is the foundation of your business's success!!

    • Set Boundaries: Clearly define work hours and personal time to make sure you have enough time for rest and recovery.

  2. Use Technology and Tools:

    • Use Task Management Tools: Tools like Asana can help you keep track of tasks and deadlines, making sure nothing slips through the cracks even when you're not at your best.

    • Automate Where Possible: Automate routine tasks to save time and reduce stress. This can include automating client communication, invoicing, and social media posts.

  3. Delegate and Build a Reliable Team:

    • Hire Support: Bring on team members who can take on responsibilities, allowing you to focus on your health. Make sure they are well-trained and understand your business processes.

    • Trust Your Team: Delegate tasks effectively and trust your team to handle them. This not only empowers them but also gives you the peace of mind to focus on your recovery.

  4. Create a Support Network:

    • Communicate with Clients: Keep your clients informed about your situation in a professional manner. Most clients will understand and appreciate the transparency.

    • Lean on Personal Support: Don't hesitate to seek support from family, friends, or professional networks. Emotional support can be crucial during tough times.

  5. Plan for the Unexpected:

    • Have a Backup Plan: Make sure you have a contingency plan in place for your business operations. This could include having a trusted colleague or partner who can step in if needed.

Giving Back: Starting a Provider Program

One of the most inspiring parts of Megan’s story is her dedication to giving back. Her experience with the BRCA2 gene led her to start a provider program for those with genetic mutations, helping them navigate preventative surgeries and options.

"Being able to give back and provide resources for others is something I never imagined we could do," Megan said. "But it's incredibly fulfilling."

What It’s Like to Give Back

Reaching a point where you can give back is incredibly rewarding. For Megan, it was the result of years of hard work and building a strong, reliable team. Here are some reflections:

  1. A Sense of Accomplishment: Knowing your business can support important causes provides deep fulfillment.

  2. Empowerment to Make a Difference: Donating and supporting causes you believe in allows you to have a tangible impact.

  3. Strengthening Your Business Purpose: Giving back reinforces your business's core values and mission.

  4. Building a Legacy: Creating programs or making donations leaves a lasting impact.

Implementing Efficient Systems

Megan shared how implementing Asana and the Breakthrough program were game-changers for her business. These tools helped her create efficient systems, allowing her to scale Clean Bookkeeping while maintaining high-quality service.

"Before Asana, we were tracking tasks on Excel spreadsheets," Megan said. "Now, everything is organized, and nothing slips through the cracks."

How Megan Used Kickoff with Asana and Breakthrough to Achieve Business Independence

Megan’s success didn’t come overnight. It was the result of implementing structured processes and leveraging the right tools!

  • Organizing Tasks with Asana:

    • Task Management: Asana helped organize tasks and projects, ensuring every detail was accounted for.

    • Team Collaboration: Asana allowed everyone to know what needed to be done and when, reducing dependency on Megan.

  • Streamlining Processes with Breakthrough:

    • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Breakthrough guided Megan in creating detailed SOPs, allowing her team to follow clear instructions.

    • Efficient Training: Breakthrough provided tools to create an effective training program, ensuring new hires could perform their roles independently.

  • Balancing Automation and Personalization:

    • Automating Routine Tasks: Megan used automation to handle routine tasks like invoicing, saving time and reducing errors.

    • Maintaining Personal Touch: Despite automation, personalized client interactions remained a priority.

  • Tracking Progress and Performance:

    • Monitoring Key Metrics: With Asana and Breakthrough, Megan tracked team progress and monitored key performance indicators.

  • Building a Self-Sufficient Team:

    • Empowering Employees: Providing the right tools and training empowered her team to take ownership of their tasks.

    • Regular Feedback and Adjustments: Megan implemented regular check-ins and feedback sessions.

Creating Structure for Hiring and Training

Megan has developed a solid structure for hiring and training new team members using the Kickoff with Asana program, streamlining her hiring process and making sure new hires receive the necessary training.

"I make sure to understand how each person learns best," Megan explained. "Some prefer hands-on training, while others do better with written instructions or video tutorials."

Megan also uses Asana to track new hires' progress, making sure they stay on track. This structured approach has allowed Clean Bookkeeping to grow efficiently.

Megan Dziewicki’s journey with Clean Bookkeeping is a testament to the power of resilience, innovation, and giving back. By focusing on relationships and leveraging efficient systems, Megan has built a successful business that not only serves its clients but also makes a significant impact in the community!

For those looking to connect with Megan and learn more about Clean Bookkeeping, visit their website at cleanbookkeepingllc.com. Whether you’re a small business owner or a fellow bookkeeper, there’s plenty to learn from Megan’s approach and experience.

About our guest:

After spending part of 2019 doing the books for the successful plumbing company she runs with her husband, Robert, word of mouth about Megan's bookkeeping skillsets and invaluable knowledge as a consultant began to spread. As demand for her expertise grew, she expanded her availability for new clients, and CLEAN Bookkeeping was born. While not working Megan enjoys being outside more often than not, skiing, hiking, and everything that Bozeman has to offer.

Connect with Megan Dziewicki:

Check out her website: www.cleanbookkeepingllc.com/

Follow her on Instagram: @cleanbookkeepingllc

Send her an email: megan@cleanbookkeepingllc.com

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