Episode 69: Real Truth Behind Navigating Burnout, Hiring, and Vacation Prep

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Real Truth Behind Navigating Burnout, Hiring, and Vacation Prep

Conquering Workflows & Systems for Bookkeepers & Accountants podcast with Alyssa Lang, founder of Workflow Queen and Magnetic Bookkeeping & Consulting. Episode topic: Real Truth Behind Navigating Burnout, Hiring, and Vacation Prep.

In this solo episode, Alyssa Lang covers what the reality looks like when you are back in the trenches of β€œdoing the work,” preparation for a three week vacation, rapid hiring team members and recognizing when it’s time to reach out for help.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How to handle business’s ups and downs and adjust to change

  • What it is like to rapid hire, onboard and transition 5 team members at once

  • How to prepare for a 3 week vacation, fully unplugged

  • How to reach out and ask for help when you are experiencing low points in business

Resources mentioned in this episode:

πŸ’» Breakthrough for Bookkeepers & Accountants

πŸ‘₯ Indeed for Employers

πŸ“±Follow Alyssa Lang on her personal IG @heyalyssalang

βš™οΈ Checkr: background check system

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Let’s pull back the curtain and dive into what really goes behind-the-scenes of navigating the ups and downs of business, adjusting to change, and preparing for a 3-week European vacation.

I’ve recently been in a period of being pulled back β€˜in’ to my business through this season of rapidly hiring, onboarding, and transitioning 5 team members at once. CRAZY RIGHT?!

Handling Business’ Ups and Downs

Business is a rollercoaster, isn’t it? One minute you’re on top of the world, and the next you’re drowning in tasks. Whether you're overwhelmed by day-to-day operations or trying to scale up, it’s all part of the journey. Recently, I found myself back in the trenches, working almost full-time hours despite previously cutting down to just a few hours a week. It’s a cycle many of us go through, and that’s okay. The key is to adjust and adapt. Growth often happens in these challenging moments.

For instance, I was feeling really overwhelmed, being pulled back into the business more than I wanted. I rapid hired five new people, two of whom were actually from another firm that let me borrow their team members. It was a cool but intense experience, and it really pushed me to find new ways to handle the workload.

Rapid Hiring and Onboarding

What’s it like to rapid hire, onboard, and transition five team members at once? In a word: intense. I recently brought on five new hires to support my businesses. This included a personal assistant, an operations associate, a new coach, and two borrowed team members. The process involved creating detailed job descriptions, interviewing candidates, and setting clear expectations. Each role required a tailored onboarding plan to ensure they could hit the ground running. It was overwhelming, but having clear systems in place made it manageable.

To find the right candidates, I posted the job on Indeed, which turned out to be a great resource. I spent about $300 on job postings and used my job description builder from my Breakthrough program. It’s a tool I provide to help streamline the hiring process for my students.

For example, promoting Mackenzie from an assistant to an operations role was a big step. She has been with me for three years and understands my processes inside and out. By shifting her responsibilities, I could leverage her strengths across both my businesses, improving efficiency and support.

The Importance of Self-Care

Recognizing the need for help is crucial. For me, this meant not only hiring more team members but also focusing on personal care. Self-care isn’t just about taking breaks; it’s about making sure you’re in the best state to lead your business. Trust me, beating yourself up doesn’t help.

I had a breakdown moment during a coaching call where I just cried and admitted how exhausted I was. My coach reminded me that it was okay to feel this way and that I needed to hire a direct assistant to help manage everything. That conversation was a turning point for me.

Hiring a Personal Assistant

One of the most transformational decisions I made was hiring a personal assistant. Initially, I struggled with the idea, feeling like I didn't deserve it. But having someone to manage my schedule, emails, and personal errands has been a game-changer. It cleared mental space, allowing me to focus on high-level business strategies and personal well-being. If you’ve been considering it, go for itβ€”you deserve the support.

My new assistant, Brooke, has been amazing. She handles everything from coordinating with contractors to managing my emails, freeing up my time to focus on strategic decisions. It's been such a relief to have someone dedicated to helping me stay organized and on top of things.

Promoting from Within

Promoting Mackenzie to an operations role was another key move. She has been with me for three years and understands my processes inside and out. By shifting her responsibilities, I could leverage her strengths across both my businesses, improving efficiency and support. It’s incredible what a well-placed promotion can do for your workflow.

For example, Mackenzie is now handling the support inbox, offboarding and onboarding tasks, and helping finalize our core processes. Her promotion has allowed me to focus on other critical areas of the business without worrying about these essential but time-consuming tasks.

Innovative Hiring Strategies

Interestingly, some of my new hires came from borrowing team members from other firms. This innovative approach saved time and made sure that the new team members were already well-trained in similar systems. It’s a great strategy if you need immediate support without the extensive onboarding process. If you’re struggling to find help, consider reaching out to your networkβ€”you might be surprised by the solutions available.

My friend and fellow business owner, Brooke Swan, let me borrow two of her team members who needed extra hours. They were already familiar with the systems we use, which made the transition seamless and stress-free.

Preparing for a Three-Week Vacation

Despite the chaos, I’m gearing up for a three-week vacation in Europe. Planning for this break involved delegating tasks and making sure my team can operate independently. It's a test of the systems we've put in place, and I’m confident everything will run smoothly in my absence. This trip is not just a getaway; it’s a chance to see how well the business can function without me constantly in the day-to-day.

Here's how I prepared:

  1. Delegation: Assigned responsibilities to team members and made sure they had access to all necessary resources.

  2. Communication: Set clear expectations for communication and established a chain of command.

  3. Documentation: Made sure all processes were well-documented so team members could easily reference them.

  4. Trust: Built trust with my team, knowing they are capable and resourceful enough to handle any issues.

I'm excited to start my trip in Bruges, Belgium, and then head to Amsterdam. I'll be spending time with a client-turned-friend, Mara, and even doing some high-level strategy and brand photoshoots. The rest of the trip is flexible, possibly exploring Italy or Greece!

Reaching Out and Asking for Help

Recognizing when to ask for help can be a game-changer. Whether it's hiring a new team member, seeking advice from peers, or talking to a coach, don't hesitate to reach out when you're struggling. During a particularly low point, I realized I needed more support not just in business but also in my personal life. Hiring a personal assistant was a pivotal step in managing my workload and mental health.

For instance, I learned to lean on my community for support. When I needed a new account manager and bookkeeper, I reached out to my network, and it turned out that Brooke Swan had team members who needed extra hours. This kind of collaboration made the process so much easier.

Additionally, I used Checkr to run background checks on all my new hires. It’s a straightforward platform that ensures you get reliable background information, which is crucial when bringing new people into your business.

Final Thoughts and Encouragement

No matter where you are in your business journey, you will face ups and downs. Whether it's hiring, managing burnout, or prepping for a break, the key is to recognize when you need help and take proactive steps. Remember, taking care of yourself is essential to taking care of your business. You’re not alone in thisβ€”reach out when you need it, and keep pushing forward.

Want to Connect?

If any part of this story resonates with you, or if you’re navigating similar challenges, feel free to reach out on Instagram @workflowqueen. I’m always here to support and share insights from my journey.

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