Episode 17: Overcoming Burnout: Aligning Your Work with Authenticity, Alignment, and Purpose with Tasha Triana

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Alyssa Lang interviews Tasha Triana, the owner and founder of The Nurtured Nurse, about all things boundaries, burnout, overwhelm with running and business and tips and tricks on the best way to prioritize yourself so you can better serve your clients and your team.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How to identify when you’re burnt out and need a break

  • The importance of listening to our inner needs

  • How to prioritize yourself over you business to help you move faster in business

  • Examples of an effective morning routine

  • How to structure your own self-care system that will support your business and your life

Resources mentioned in this episodeListen to the Full Episode here 👇🏼

🙏🏼 Tasha Triana Women's Wellness Retreat in Nicaragua
(May 27, 2023- June 2, 2023)

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Let’s talk about burnout. Sometimes running the business and running your life can make you feel anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed. This has totally happened to me before where I was overwhelmed or didn’t listen to my body. That’s why I sat down with Tasha Triana, a registered nurse-turned life purpose coach and hypnotherapist. She’s a yoga and meditation teacher, a Reiki master, and has a master’s degree in psychology. So yes – she’s incredible!

She has amazing insights about life, and we’re sharing her top tips in this blog/podcast. If you've been feeling like you haven’t been prioritizing yourself and you're pouring your heart and soul into your business, then you're going to want to listen to this episode because we're going to dive into some amazing topics such as:

  • How to identify when you’re burnt out, and be self-aware

  • How creating routines can (and should) include time for yourself

  • How outsourcing tasks is a form of self-care

Self-Awareness is Self-Care

Self-awareness is something that business owners typically have LOTS of. We know what we’re good at and where we need more support. This isn’t just for business, though, we also need to recognize where we need support in our personal lives too.

Being self-aware and knowing when it's time to take it easy, slow down, and take a break. Tasha knows all about shifting gears and knowing when making a change is something that needs to be done.

She’s a registered nurse-turned life purpose coach and hypnotherapist, and she loves all things wellness, mind, body, and spirit.

That love is what inspired her to work in a hospital, where she worked for almost a decade before fully stepping away in May of 2021 to fully pursue entrepreneurship.

It was then that she realized that although she was taking care of herself physically, eating well, and working out, she wasn’t nurturing herself in her personal life.

Now she spends her time focusing on finding ways to help empower people on their own journeys to help them let go of limiting beliefs and help tap back into their authentic selves and live in true alignment with their goals, dreams, and passions.

As bookkeepers and accountants, especially around tax season, it’s so easy to feel burnt out by all the close deadlines and volume of work that needs to be done. What we might not realize is that our clients can feel that energy coming from us too.

But we aren’t the only industry that feels this.  Tasha says that burnout, which is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion, can hit all of us no matter what industry, career, or profession we're in.

From Burnout to Time Out

Burnout happens to us all. But how can we avoid it? When we're talking about burnout, how can we identify being genuinely burnt out? What’s the difference between burnout and feeling like you've just had a long day?  How can we best support ourselves in identifying and knowing when we need to actually stop fully versus taking a pause for the day?

Tasha had a great answer for that one. She reminded me that burnout is chronic. Week after week, when you feel like you’re arm over arm crawling towards the finish line. And in this role of entrepreneurs, we pride ourselves on that sometimes. Being go-getters and having a can-do attitude is what makes it possible for us to do our job.

Hustle mode is nothing to be ashamed of, but can be the thing that leads to chronic exhaustion. And the superpower we need to combat it? Rest!

But sometimes it’s hard to rest guilt-free when you have a running to-do list in your brain. I get that!

Take an honest look at what has been going on in your life and look for ways to take more time to recharge. I like to keep a lot of white space in my calendar where I'll just block out, go on a walk, read a new book, or just rest. Whatever that white space is, it’s always a break from the computer.

Being a business owner can bring a lot of stress, but also a TON of freedom. And with that freedom, you’re allowed to make your schedule look like whatever works best for you. I have the ability to take the time off work that I need to reboot.

If you’re just starting out, and reading this thinking it’s not possible, I totally understand. You might be thinking, “I can’t take time. I can’t stop. I can’t slow down.” But you CAN!

It’s possible when you run your firm with streamlined systems that allow you to work more efficiently, and even eventually remove yourself from the day-to-day. And sometimes the best thing to do is slow down to speed up.

The best way to start implementing systems that make your firm SUPER efficient is to get instant access to our signature course, Kickoff With Asana for Bookkeepers & Accountants where you’ll get dozens of plug-and-play templates for workflows that’ll set you up to start taking more time for yourself even if you’ve just launched your firm.

Prioritizing Your Time And Energy

Tasha says our burnout is part of a system of habits. Her training in the subconscious mind and hypnotherapy show that patterns and habits become a part of our identity. Being a high-achiever, an entrepreneur, or working hard, we get these belief systems that become patterns. And then our subconscious mind, which is designed to keep us safe and conserve energy, steps in.

Because going at that pace isn’t sustainable. We're not robots. So Tasha encourages us to set ourselves up for success. Even if you only start with five minutes a day of giving that to yourself.  (If you're in the habit of not giving yourself any time, that's better than nothing!)

If you’re prioritizing your time for yourself, that leaves less time for business. Focusing on what makes your energy thrive is even more important. The answer?! Outsourcing!

It seems so simple but can be so empowering. Simply handing off the things that drain your energy while still being a part of something that energizes you can be so satisfying. And conserving your energy applies to people as well!

No. I’m not telling you to cut people out of your life, and neither is Tasha! But you can change how you interact with someone who is not a positive energy in your life because people and tasks can drain you more than you might think.

We’re constantly evolving, changing, and expanding, so it's OKAY and expected that things might be different, but it's about checking in with ourselves and really taking that time to self-reflect and look at what's going on.

Total honesty time: I had my first panic attack in February. I literally felt like I was dying. And I had to take TIME. I had to really assess what was sending me over my threshold. Was it work, was it environmental, was it my personal life? The pressure storm of burnout was exhausting. And it was the scariest moment of my life, caused by feeling completely burnt out.

These opportunities do shape us into that next stronger, wiser version of ourselves. It was a moment I never thought would happen until it happened. It shocked me, but it also made me take a step back and evaluate.

It’s easy to lose yourself in your business and feel like the lines are blurred between business and life. If you identify as a high-achiever, just know that you don’t have to run yourself into the ground to be successful. You’re worthy of rest and prioritizing yourself. You can start small, nurturing and honoring yourself. Tap into your authentic needs and what works for you. Because taking time to rest doesn’t make you less of a KICKASS firm owner!

About our guest:

Tasha Triana, RN, BSN, MA, is a Registered Nurse turned Life and Purpose Coach and Hypnotherapist. She is also a certified yoga & meditation teacher, reiki master, and holds a Master’s Degree in Psychology.

Early on in her almost decade of working in the hospital setting, Tasha experienced severe burnout. While this was an extremely challenging time in her life, it was also an enlightening one, as it helped Tasha truly understand the importance and necessity of daily self-care practices. Her time working in the hospital also enabled her to uncover her true passion for mind, body, and spirit healing and well-being.

Tasha is on a mission to teach and empower her clients to prioritize themselves, build self-awareness, and let go of limiting beliefs so that they can live their most authentic and aligned lives.

Tasha works with clients 1:1 and in groups, hosts workshops, and leads retreats. In her free time, she is out exploring the world. She loves traveling, getting out in nature, hiking, and eating all the tropical fruit she can find.

Connect with Tasha Triana:

Check out her website: www.thenurturednurse.co

Follow her on Instagram: https://instagram.com/thenurturednurse

Thanks for listening. If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram stories and tag me, @workflowqueen

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