Episode 73: Identifying Team Issues and Making Strategic Changes for Success

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Identifying Team Issues and Making Strategic Changes for Success

Conquering Workflows & Systems for Bookkeepers & Accountants podcast with Alyssa Lang, founder of Workflow Queen and Magnetic Bookkeeping & Consulting. Episode topic: Identifying Team Issues and Making Strategic Changes for Success

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I'm super excited today because I’m diving into a burning question submitted by one of our Instagram followers, Karen (thank you, Karen!). She asked, "How do you decide when and how to make changes in your team when things aren't working out?" This is such a great topic, and I know many of you will benefit from it too!

Identifying the Problem

First things first, let’s figure out why things aren’t working out. It’s easy to throw our hands up and get frustrated, but we need to dig deeper. Is the issue really with the team member, or could it be something on our end?

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Self-Reflection: Take a step back and honestly assess if you provided the necessary training and resources. Did you set clear expectations and give them the tools they needed to succeed?

  2. Documentation: Keep track of recurring issues. Are there specific errors or patterns? This will help you understand the core problem and prevent it from happening again.

I once had an incredible team member who struggled because I didn't set them up properly. I realized it was my fault for not providing the right training. So, I created an internal training program that made a huge difference. They came back after completing the training, and their performance improved dramatically. Sometimes, it's about giving your team the right start.

Creating an Internal Training Program

To make sure your team members are well-prepared, consider setting up an internal training program. This doesn't have to be overly complex.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Loom Videos: Record short videos explaining key processes and tools.

  2. Structured Agenda: Have a clear agenda for the first few weeks, covering essential topics like company values, software tools, and specific job duties.

  3. Hands-On Experience: Balance training with practical tasks to help team members apply what they've learned.

At Workflow Queen, we had an employee who wasn’t performing well because I failed to provide the right training. So, we built an internal training program and gave her two weeks off (paid!) to complete it. When she came back, everything changed. Her performance improved because she finally had the tools and knowledge she needed.

Performance Reviews and KPIs

Regular performance reviews are crucial for providing feedback and setting expectations.

Here’s how to implement them effectively:

  1. Quarterly Reviews: Schedule reviews every few months to discuss progress and areas for improvement.

  2. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Track specific metrics that are relevant to each team member's role. For example, track the number of errors for a bookkeeper or response times for customer service reps.

  3. Documenting Feedback: Use tools like Notion to document any recurring issues and improvements over time.

In our company, we started using KPIs to track performance, and it made a huge difference. We could see clear patterns and address issues more systematically.

Letting Go of Team Members

Letting go of team members is hard, but necessary if it’s clear the fit isn’t right. Whether they’re contractors or employees, here’s how to approach the situation:

  1. Be Prepared: Come prepared with specific examples and data to explain why it’s not working out. This isn’t just fair to them, but also has clarity for you.

  2. Follow Legal Guidelines: Make sure you're compliant with any legal requirements for terminating employment, especially for full-time employees.

I recently had to let go of a company we outsourced certain tasks to. I came prepared with data showing they weren’t meeting our goals. It was tough, but necessary for our business to move forward.

Finding the Next Best Person

To avoid repeating the same mistakes, it’s so important to learn from past experiences.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Slow Down: Don’t rush the hiring process. Take the time to find someone who is a great fit both culturally and skill-wise.

  2. Improved Interview Process: Use interview questions that address past frustrations. For example, if a previous hire needed constant validation, ask candidates to describe a situation where they worked independently.

  3. Clear Job Descriptions: Make sure your job descriptions reflect what you’re looking for, especially the traits that are important to avoid past issues.

After identifying my own mistakes with a previous hire, I revamped our hiring process. I started asking interview questions that directly addressed past frustrations, such as "Can you share an instance where you had to work independently and make decisions without constant supervision?" This helped me find candidates who were a better fit for our team culture.


Thanks again to Karen for submitting such a thoughtful question. If you're struggling with team performance, remember to self-reflect, document issues, and be prepared for hard conversations. And if you need more support, consider joining our Breakthrough for Bookkeepers and Accountants program. We offer comprehensive coaching, performance review templates, and much more to help you build a strong, successful team!

Thanks for listening. If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram stories and tag me, @workflowqueen For more information about the Conquering Workflows & Systems for Bookkeepers & Accountants Podcast or interest in our programs or mentoring visit our resources below:

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