Episode 81: The Power of Niching Down: The Path to a Thriving Bookkeeping and Accounting Business with Sarah Bratcher

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The Power of Niching Down: The Path to a Thriving Bookkeeping and Accounting Business with Sarah Bratcher

Conquering Workflows & Systems for Bookkeepers & Accountants podcast with Alyssa Lang, founder of Workflow Queen and Magnetic Bookkeeping & Consulting and Sara Bratcher, Founder and CPA of REI Accounting Solutions. Episode topic: The Power of Niching Down: The Path to a Thriving Bookkeeping and Accounting Business with Sarah Bratcher. 

Alyssa Lang interviews Sara Bratcher, Founder and CPA of REI Accounting Solutions, on the power of niching down, adapting processes within a niche focus, and the importance of staying updated on industry trends and technologies. Sara shares her journey of transitioning to a niche within real estate investing, the impact of letting go of non-aligned clients, and the strategies for conquering imposter syndrome and self-doubt.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Why it's essential to focus on a niche for business success

  • How Sarah let go of clients not aligned with her niche to better serve others

  • The importance of continuously evaluating and adapting processes within a niche

  • How industry trends and technologies play a role in niche adaptability

Resources mentioned in this episode:

πŸŽ™οΈ Podcast: The Game by Alex Hormozzi

πŸ’» Breakthrough for Bookkeepers & Accountants

πŸ“˜ 'The Way of Integrity' by Martha Beck

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The Power of Niching Down: The Path to a Thriving Bookkeeping and Accounting Business with Sarah Bratcher

I had the pleasure of chatting with the amazing Sarah Bratcher. She’s not just any guestβ€”Sarah’s one of my incredible students from the Breakthrough coaching program and the owner of REI Accounting Solutions. In the episode, Sarah shares her journey of niching down in her business, finding her true passion, and overcoming some big challenges along the way. Trust me, you’re going to want to stick around for this one!

Sarah’s Journey to Finding Her Niche

Sarah kicked things off by sharing a bit about her background. She started in public accounting but quickly realized taxes weren’t really her thing. I mean, who can relate, right? After that, she jumped into a role as a controller and then CFO for a real estate developer. It sounded greatβ€”lots of responsibility, a fast-growing business, but also lots of stress. After eight years of burning the candle at both ends, she hit a breaking point with her health. Something had to give.

So, Sarah and her husband decided to make a big change. They paid off a ton of debt and Sarah took a leap of faith to start her own business, REI Accounting Solutions. At first, she took on a variety of clientsβ€”because, you know, bills still gotta get paid! But it didn’t take long for her to realize that her real passion was working with real estate investors. That’s when she made the big decision to niche down and focus solely on that area. As she put it, β€œWhen you own the business, your dreams start taking shape. It’s been a wild ride, but I’m here for it.”

Why Niching Down Made All the Difference

So why did Sarah decide to go all in with real estate investors? Niching down allowed her to really hone in on her strengths and create streamlined systems that made her business run smoother. Plus, she found that by focusing on one niche, she could build deeper relationships with her clients and become more of an expert in her field.

But making this shift wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Sarah had to let go of some great clients who didn’t fit her new niche. It was tough, but ultimately, it helped her business thrive. β€œI found better fits for them with other bookkeepers, and that allowed me to hyper-focus on my real estate clients. It’s been a game-changer,” she shared.

If you're thinking about niching down, check out The Way of Integrity by Martha Beck. It's all about finding your true path and sticking to it, which is exactly what Sarah did!

Dealing with Imposter Syndrome

Now, let’s talk about something we all face at one point or another: imposter syndrome. Sarah opened up about how tough it was to shake off years of hearing that β€œaccounting is just a cost center.” That kind of talk can really get into your head, right? But through a lot of self-reflection and support, including from our Breakthrough for Bookkeepers & Accountants program, Sarah started to see her value beyond the numbers. She realized she’s not just crunching numbers; she’s making a real impact for her clients.

If you want to get some solid advice on pushing through doubts and scaling your business, give a listen to The Game by Alex Hormozzi. It’s packed with insights that can help shift your mindset.

Being More Than Just a Bookkeeper

What’s inspiring about Sarah’s journey is how she’s become more than just a bookkeeper for her clientsβ€”she’s a connector. By focusing on real estate investors, she’s been able to introduce clients to each other, creating a network that adds value beyond just bookkeeping. It’s like she’s the go-to person not just for keeping the books, but for advice and connections that help her clients grow their businesses too.

And let’s not forgetβ€”Sarah and her husband are real estate investors themselves, so they know the ins and outs of the industry firsthand. β€œIt gives us this unfair advantage,” she laughed. β€œWe get to see the market trends up close and share that insider info with our clients.”

The Breakthrough Experience

Sarah’s story is a great example of how the right support can make all the difference. She mentioned how the Breakthrough for Bookkeepers & Accountants program helped her streamline her business processes and mindset. β€œIt’s more than just workflows,” she said. β€œIt’s about optimizing every part of your business and your life.” This allowed her to step back and see the bigger picture, giving her the freedom to focus on what really matters.

Want to learn how to optimize your business like Sarah did? Check out the Breakthrough program and see how it can help you scale without burning out.

Wrapping It Up

Sarah’s journey shows us all the power of finding your niche, overcoming those pesky doubts, and building a business that truly aligns with your passion and strengths. If you’re thinking about niching down or just need a little inspiration to push through the tough spots, take a page from Sarah’s book and rememberβ€”you’ve got this!

About Our Guest

Sarah Bratcher lives in Southern Oklahoma with her husband and two kids. They enjoy screen-free family time and taking walks together.

Sarah initially planned on a traditional career, but her college experience shifted her perspective. After graduating with an accounting degree, she began working at a public accounting firm but soon discovered her true passion for organizing financial records rather than dealing with tax season. Recognizing limited growth opportunities in bookkeeping within a CPA firm, she transitioned to a CFO role for a real estate developer. There, she gained valuable experience as the company grew to build 500 houses per year and manage 1,000 rental properties.

Over time, Sarah realized she wanted to focus on helping early-stage investors analyze their financial statements and grow their legacies. She started her own business and, after 8 years and 19 exams, passed the CPA exam. Today, Sarah is dedicated to organizing real estate investors' books and providing exceptional customer service.

Connect with Sarah Bratcher

Follow Sarah on Instagram: @rei.solutions.with.sarah

Follow Sarah on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarahlkay

Email Sarah: sarah@reiaccountingsolutions.com

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