Episode 83: The Manifestation Shift: Unleashing Confidence and Abundance in Your Business with Alyssa Simpson

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In this episode, Alyssa Lang interviews Alyssa Simpson, Owner of Alyssa Simpson Coaching and mindset and manifestation coach, on the power of doing the inner work, embracing authenticity, and cultivating unshakable confidence. They discuss shedding old identities, shifting mindsets from scarcity to abundance, and the importance of aligning actions with desired outcomes for personal and business success.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How to control your feelings and shape her own reality

  • Why it's important to prioritize inner work over business strategy and embrace authenticity

  • How to do the inner work, face discomfort, and connect with what you truly want

  • How to shift from scarcity to abundance mindset and operate from a place of service-led approach in business

Resources mentioned in this episode:
πŸ“˜ 'The Way of Integrity' by Martha Beck

πŸ“– FREE Manifestation Workbook

πŸ“˜ ’10x is Easier than 2x’ by Dan Sullivan

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The Manifestation Shift: Unleashing Confidence and Abundance in Your Business with Alyssa Simpson


Feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your business? Constantly chasing clients or doubting your worth as an entrepreneur? Trust me, you're not alone.

In a recent episode of our podcast "Conquering Workflows and Systems for Bookkeepers and Accountants", I had a heart-to-heart with Alyssa Simpson, a fantastic mindset and manifestation coach. We got deep into how controlling your feelings, prioritizing inner work, and embracing authenticity can totally transform not just your business, but your whole life.

How to Control Your Feelings and Shape Your Reality

One of the biggest takeaways from my chat with Alyssa was realizing just how much power we have to control our feelings and shape our own reality. I know it sounds a bit out there, but think about itβ€”so much of what we feel comes from how we choose to react. Alyssa talked about training your mind to stay calm and focused, no matter what’s going on around you. It’s about aligning your thoughts with your deepest desires. So next time you feel stress creeping in, remember: you have the power to control how you feel and what you focus on.

If you want to dig deeper into this idea, check out Martha Beck's book, The Way of Integrity. It's all about aligning your life with who you truly are and cutting through all the noise that leads to stress and anxiety.

Why Inner Work Beats Business Strategy Every Time

I know, I knowβ€”everyone’s all about the hustle these days. But here’s the thing: no amount of strategy or systems will help if you’re not doing the inner work. Alyssa and I talked about how easy it is to get stuck in the grind, focusing only on the nuts and bolts of business. But without a strong sense of who you are and what you truly want, all that hard work can feel empty. I’ve been thereβ€”focusing on all the external stuff, thinking it would bring success. But it wasn’t until I started focusing inward that things really started to click.

Dan Sullivan’s book, 10x is Easier than 2x, really hits this point home. It’s about thinking bigger and aligning your actions with your most ambitious goals. The book is a game-changer if you're looking to break out of old habits and push yourself to new heights.

Doing the Inner Work: Facing Discomfort and Finding Your True Self

So, what does it even mean to do the "inner work"? It’s about facing those uncomfortable truths, being honest with yourself, and embracing your vulnerabilities. Alyssa shared some really personal stories about letting go of habits and beliefs that weren’t serving her anymore. It’s not easyβ€”shedding those layers can feel like pulling off a band-aid. But it’s also the only way to really connect with your highest self.

To start, ask yourself: What am I avoiding? What am I really afraid of? Digging into these questions can be tough, but that’s where the magic happens. And if you’re looking for a practical guide to get started, Alyssa’s got a FREE Manifestation Workbook that’s perfect for helping you align your mindset with your goals.

Shifting from Scarcity to an Abundance Mindset

Alyssa also talked a lot about shifting from a scarcity mindsetβ€”where you’re always feeling like there’s never enoughβ€”to an abundance mindset, where you know there’s plenty to go around. It’s so easy to get caught up in thinking, "I need more clients," or "I need more money," but what if you flipped that to, "I’m excited to serve the clients who are meant for me"? That shift in thinking changes everything. When you operate from abundance, you're not coming from a place of desperation, and that energy attracts the right opportunities and people.

Operating from a Service-Led Approach

Here’s the kicker: When you operate from a place of serviceβ€”focusing on how you can genuinely help others instead of just what you can getβ€”everything changes. Alyssa reminded us that when our actions are driven by a bigger purpose, we naturally attract the clients and opportunities that are right for us. It’s all about being true to yourself and your mission.

Wrapping It Up

Transforming your business isn’t just about better strategies or more clientsβ€”it starts with transforming yourself. By taking control of your feelings, focusing on inner work, facing those tough truths, and shifting your mindset to one of abundance, you can create a reality that aligns with your deepest desires. So, what’s one step you can take today to start that journey? Reflect on where you are and what might be holding you back.

For more on these ideas, check out Alyssa Simpson’s FREE Manifestation Workbook and her podcast, "Limitless L Y S S." And if you’re looking for some extra inspiration, I highly recommend The Way of Integrity by Martha Beck and 10x is Easier than 2x by Dan Sullivan. Let’s keep growing and learning together!

About Our Guest

Alyssa Simpson is a mindset & manifestation coach helping women tap into their innate power by burning the rule books and handing them the pen to write their own. She has been a student of manifestation and the metaphysical world for 15+ years and became a teacher of the metaphysical world in 2019. She helps women reclaim their magnetism by uncovering limiting beliefs, working through old subconscious programming, and understanding the energetics of money.

Connect with Alyssa Simpson

Follow Alyssa on Instagram: @_alyssasimpsonx

Check out her website: www.alyssasimpsonx.com

Listen to her podcast: LimitLyss on apple & spotify

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