Bookkeeper Launch Course Review

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So, I’ve got this secret - it’s called Bookkeeper Launch aka the ultimate, all-encompassing, online course & community for bookkeepers… new and veterans alike. When I say online course, I really mean an in-depth course and program that teaches bookkeepers how to become successful online - or even become a bookkeeper from scratch… like I did! Besides Asana, Bookkeeper Launch is the secret sauce to all things Workflow Queen.

I joined Bookkeeper Launch in March of 2019, before Kickoff with Asana for Bookkeepers & Accountants was even an idea. At that time, I was solely a tax practitioner looking for a way to scale and absorbing all the content I could from school and other resources to add on bookkeeping. In the mix, Bookkeeper Launch stood out and I implemented their program immediately. Even after two years, I still go back and reference the program or hop in the Facebook group when I have a question.

I had such HUGE success with the program and turned my practice into a six figure practice… FAST that I was asked to do the instructing on Bookkeeper Launch 4.0… so if you’re already in the program you’ll see someone special and if you’re not in the program yet and ready to jump in, you’ll hear it from me on how to do the bookkeeping! 

You can check out Bookkeeper Launch here, but keep reading for more insight to the program.

*Fun fact: In March 2020, Ben Robinson, owner of  Bookkeeper Launch, reached out to me for an interview on their podcast, the I Love Bookkeeping! You can listen to it here

Getting Started With Bookkeeper Launch

This was not a two-year nor four-year process like getting your bachelors or going back for your masters degree. While it can take some time to get started (depending on your previous bookkeeping knowledge and time available), I hammered down on the program and my business gained traction quickly in the summer of 2019 - only a few months after starting!

It was an interesting start as it teaches you how to be a bookkeeper and then how to start your business online. Their program guided me well on how to do the bookkeeping and then I was able to focus on  building and expanding my practice with all the detailed marketing strategies provided in Bookkeeper Launch. Still, going back to the basics helped me build confidence in my abilities and take calculated risks when marketing my practice. 

What is Bookkeeper Launch?

Here’s what you’ve been looking for: what exactly is Bookkeeper Launch? Essentially, it’s a system that combines 21st century bookkeeping skills, efficient systems, and marketing to attract high-quality clients to help you create a 100% virtual bookkeeping business from scratch.

The educational program is broken down into three main units:

  1. 21st Century Bookkeeping Skills

  2. 21st Century Bookkeeping Clients

  3. 21st Century Bookkeeping Systems

Additionally, it has power units for when you’re ready to launch your business as well as an active Facebook Community with thousands of other bookkeepers who are highly experienced or just getting started!

Each main unit is broken down to cover each aspect of bookkeeping so that you’ll be prepared to wrangle even the messiest client books.

21st Century Bookkeeping Skills

Unit one covers the essentials of bookkeeping and sets you up to understand the rest of the program, such as teaching you:

  • Foundations

  • Setup

  • Transactions

  • Statements

  • Clean-up

Unit one also includes a Transactions Project to go through the motions of applying your new (or refreshed) bookkeeping skills. 

*pssst… in the newest version of Bookkeeper Launch 4.0 I taught in the Setup, Transactions, Final Project and Closing Project units… a whole 145 videos of yours truly!

21st Century Bookkeeping Clients

One of the biggest questions that come up when working online is “how will I find clients?” Unit 2 covers just that. Bookkeeper Launch doesn’t want to just give you the skills you need to be a bookkeeper, but they want you to be successful with those skills - meaning you have to have clients. 

Bookkeeper Launch has their own tried-and-true process of finding quality clients and teaches you each step through their unique systems such as:

  • Leader U

  • Money U

  • Yakkity-Yak

  • Traditional Networking

  • Irresistible Selling Statement

  • Conversation to Close

  • Online Networking

  • Website and Social Media Marketing

Personally, this was one of my favorite units to go through as it gave me a boost of confidence in myself and skills. 

21st Century Bookkeeping System 

This should sound familiar if you’re a returning Workflow Queen reader, *hint* *hint* think about Kickoff with Asana for Bookkeepers & Accountants - Anyways, bookkeeping systems are key to getting things done efficiently and on-time while running your own business. This means handling your invoices and income, creating a schedule, and building a functional system for your practice. 

With Unit 3, you discover the key elements of creating successful systems in your practice such as:

  • Lifestyle

  • Your Money

  • Setup

  • Templates

  • Processes & Checklists

  • Tools & Tech

While Bookkeeper Launch offers a set system for you bookkeeping practice, you’ll also discover your preferences and how to make changes while maintaining a successful system. The systems covered in Bookkeeper Launch are just the simple how tos but you need the next step to bringing it to life with a program like Kickoff with Asana for Bookkeepers & Accountants

But, What About Now?

Yes, I did join the program in the beginning of 2019, what if it’s not as ‘relevant’ now as it was then? Lucky us, Bookkeeper Launch continues to update their systems to make sure their users stay successful! As a past user, I was even invited along with 3 to 4 others to be an instructor when they did a major update (BL 4.0) in August 2020! 

You can find me when you do Set-up, Transactions, Final Project, and Closing Project! Overall, I did almost 145 videos for the program - it was one of the coolest experiences of my career!

My Honest Opinion of Bookkeeper Launch

10/10 would recommend Bookkeeper Launch for every new and experienced bookkeeper looking to start an online business!

Bookkeeper Launch was the key to scaling my practice and is the system I use to guide my business backend to this day. I’ve established my practice online, I made lifelong friends and connections through their community, and it was a quarter of the price of going back to school! 

Still, I find that the community alone is worth the cost of the program!

Their straight-forward approach and breakdown of the marketing side of running a bookkeeping practice are what really drew me in. Other than that (and their immense all-encompassing program), it’s the fact that they provide you with your next level steps after completing the program AND lifelong access to the Facebook community.

While the program is far from perfect (as everything is), Bookkeeper Launch is constantly updating to keep up with the ever changing virtual world and keep users up-to-date on bookkeeping best practices and systems!

If you’d like to check out Bookkeeper Launch, you can check it out here.


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