
This podcast is the perfect place for bookkeepers & accountants who are ready to implement tech, systems and automation in your firm so you can scale bigger, higher better, and breakthrough to the next level.

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Episode 45: The Process of Transitioning Clients to a New Email: Strategies for a Smooth Changeover

If you’ve hit the point in your business where you realize that you’d rather NOT have clients emailing your directly, this blog and podcast episode is for you. I get this question all the time because it’s a real bottleneck that so many firm owners face as they start to scale. Learn how to create a professional email, and direct all of your client communication to it for a much more seamless client experience!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Episode 44: Plan, Prepare, Succeed: Succession Planning and Building Business Systems with Julee Yokoyama

Have you thought about what happens to your business if something happens to you? I dove into this topic with Julee Yokoyama and learned SO much more about how systems can truly cover your assets when emergencies happen. It’s not something you want to think about, but life can throw a wrench in your plans from time to time. Being prepared is the best way to protect yourself, and it’s probably easier than you think!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Episode 42: Enhancing Team Collaboration: Leveraging Individual Strengths with the Kolbe Assessment with Carly Clark Zimmer

Looking for a way to run your firm with more ease and less friction? That’s what Carly, Leadership Director for When You Lead Coaching & Consulting, helps people do all day long using the Kolbe Systemℒ️. It’s an assessment that helps you understand how your natural instincts help you make decisions and live your life. This tool can even be used to support your entire team so everyone can thrive!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Episode 40: Uplevel Your Year End Client Experience with Serena Shoup

Year-end can be an overwhelming time for any business owner, but if you’re a bookkeeper, accountant, or tax pro, it’s even MORE important that you have a solid system in place. In this week’s episode, I have Serena Shoup come chat with me about all things year-end and how she handles this time of year in her firm. Check out her pro tips for creating a smooth process from beginning to end that supports you, your team, and most of all your clients!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Episode 39: Building Wealth and Protecting Your Assets: Strategies for Financial Success with Blake Morlet

Is your business prepared for anything? When I started working with a financial advisor, I didn’t fully know the scope of how they could help my business plan and prepare for literally any situation that might come up. In this episode, I’m chatting with my real-life financial advisor, Blake Morlet, who’s diving into all things financial for both the business and personal side of CEO life.

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Episode 38: What To Do When Your Clients Don’t Get You Everything You Need

You might have a tried and true process for month end close in your firm, but what happens when clients delay the process by ignoring your information requests? It’s happened to ALL of us, trust me! But it’s also one of those things we can create a solution for that works for you, your team, and your client. The solution we came up with for my firm might surprise you, but it really does work!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Episode 37: Questions & Answers You’ve Been Dying to Hear About Running a Bookkeeping Firm with Kate Marchbank

In this episode of the podcast, I decided to turn the tables and have a Breakthrough-curious firm owner interview ME for a change! It was so fun to chat about things like, diagnostic reviews, hiring team members, streamlining tech, creating SOPs and so much more with Kate Marchbank. If you have any questions about how I run my firm or what I teach in any of my programs, this episode is a great place to start.

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Episode 36: Mastering Referrals: Retaining Clients, Cultivating New Referrals, and Building a Referable Business with Stacey Brown Randall

The goal of EVERY business is to get people to pay you money for your products and services. And one of the absolute best ways to do that is completely free β€” aka referrals! You might be tempted to think that getting referrals in your business just happens by chance, but according to Stacey Brown Randall, it’s actually something you can have by simply creating a process and following through with it. Learn how to get referrals without asking or feeling icky in this podcast episode and blog post.

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Episode 35: What I Would Do Differently If I Had To Start All Over Again

I’ve run bookkeeping firms long enough now to have a bunch of wisdom under my belt. And one common question I get is: What would I do if I had to start all over again? Well, I actually had the opportunity to do just that, and it’s been quite the wild ride in the BEST way! Here are the 5 things I did differently when I started my second bookkeeping firm compared to the first time around.

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Episode 34: Standing Out with Unique Branding: Attracting the Right Clients for Bookkeepers & Accountants with Alisha Thomas

Creating a brand that truly reflects your personality is SUCH an easy way to start attracting the types of clients you love working with. But what exactly goes into branding? And can bookkeepers have fun branding that’s not all suit-and-tie? In this episode with Alisha Thomas, we’ll find out exactly what happens when you create a brand that’s unapologetically authentic. Hint: It’s totally worth it!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Episode 33: Power of Effective Quality Control in Bookkeeping and How to Implement It

A LOT of bookkeepers struggle with the idea of hiring team members to take on some of the bookkeeping work for them. And even when they do, it’s hard to truly let go of control and stop feeling the urge to micromanage the whole thing. Luckily, I have a solution that’s proven to reduce (and sometimes eliminate) errors so you can confidently delegate client work once and for all!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Episode 32: How RightTool is Revolutionizing The Way Bookkeepers Are Working in QBO with Mark Corum

If you’re a regular user of QuickBooks Online, you know the definition of a love/hate relationship. It’s an incredibly powerful tool, but it also comes with a few flaws that can really get in the way of your efficiency. Luckily, Mark Corum swooped in to rescue us all from the headaches we sometimes face as QBO users! He developed RightTool to make QuickBooksOnline even MORE user friendly, and I’m here for it!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Episode 30: Breakthrough Student Spotlight: Coaching, Learning & Executing with Erica Paynter

We talk a LOT about how systems can help you delegate your work, create more flexibility in your schedule, and give you more freedom to work ON your business instead of IN it. But there’s always going to be questions around HOW to get clear on the types of tasks to delegate, who to add to your team, which systems to focus on first, and where to focus your energy for you bookkeeping and accounting firm. In this blog and podcast, I’m chatting with Breakthrough for Bookkeepers & Accountant student, Erica Paynter about all of this goodness and her experience navigating it in her own firm.

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Episode 29: Leveraging a Team, KPIs and Automation to Create Business Success with Lekesha Hill

In this podcast and blog, we have SUCH an inspiring story of one Breakthrough for Bookkeepers & Accountants student who transformed her side hustle into a full bookkeeping firm that thrives while she only works 5 hours per week! Lakesha Hill shares with us all the reasons Breakthrough was a total game changer for her business, and how she keeps referring back to the content when she’s ready to implement the next steps (or have her VA handle it instead!). Learn how she was able to make her goals a reality and finally go full time in her business for good!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Episode 28: How to Build a Hands-Off Training System for Team Members with Ashly Lindberg

In this podcast and blog, you’ll meet one of our very first Breakthrough for Bookkeepers & Accountants students, Ashly Lindberg! Her story’s not only relatable and impressive, it’s also SO inspiring because she was able to take her business from side hustle to full time AND hire two employees after implementing all the Breakthrough goodness. If you’ve been wanting to go full time in your business OR finally ramp up your success for good, this episode is a MUST!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Episode 27: Mindset & Strategies for Delegating and Minimizing Mistakes with Samantha Palisoul

One of the big topics we cover in our group coaching program, Breakthrough for Bookkeepers & Accountants, is HIRING. Because there’s so much that goes into it before, during, and after you’ve actually picked a candidate. In this blog and podcast, you’ll hear from on of our Breakthrough students, Samantha Palisoul, on how to overcome the mindset blocks that come with hiring (and leading) your dream team, running a highly efficient firm, and how group coaching can support you on that journey.

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