Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

The 4 Essential Tools You Need to Help Make Your Bookkeeping Firm More Efficient, Streamlined, and Productive

The best way to make sure you’re making the most of your time as a bookkeeping firm owner and service provider is to increase your efficiency! It’s super easy to implement a few of our favorite efficiency tools, but don’t worry about creating all of them at once! In this blog, we’re sharing 4 of our MUST-HAVE tools to run a successful bookkeeping business.

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

How Notion Totally Transformed How We Run Our Bookkeeping Firm (and Why We Highly Recommend You Start Using It Too)

Once we started using Notion at Workflow Queen and in our bookkeeping firm, it changed our lives. This highly customizable workspace software is one of the keys to our success. We’ve become obsessed with using it to organize and streamline our data, systems, and information. Notion’s flexibility is just one reason we highly recommend it to our students and other bookkeeping firm owners!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

How We Use Content Snare to Streamline Our Onboarding Process and Maintain Monthly Bookkeeping Clients

When you sign a new bookkeeping client, you’ll need to gather documents, account access, and tons of other information. Without a solid and efficient onboarding process, this can quickly turn into a headache and consume way too much of your time! Luckily, we found an incredible tool that allows us to streamline our new client onboarding AND help with monthly client maintenance for our bookkeeping firm.

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

How to Automate Your Sales Process with Dubsado for a Streamlined Client Experience for Bookkeepers

When a new bookkeeping leads comes into your sales funnel, don’t let it fall through the cracks! We love using the power of Dubsado to automate our sales process and create a memorable experience for potential bookkeeping clients. This tool can help you save time AND energy in creating proposals, invoices, even contracts! Read this blog to learn more about the sales process we’ve implemented at our firm, Magnetic Bookkeeping & Consulting.

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

How to Host a Successful Sales Call and Close Clients (Without Feeling Sleazy)

If you dread sales calls, you’re not alone! Until you have a solid strategy and system in place, hosting a successful sales call seems almost impossible. In this blog, we’re giving you our proven strategy for better sales calls that don’t make you feel like you’re selling at all and help you easily land more bookkeeping clients!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Everything You Need to Know About How to Form a Partnership for Your Firm

Being a solo bookkeeping firm owner has perks for sure. You get all the profit and don’t need to ask permission for anything. But you also get all the responsibility and decisions always fall on you. If you’ve ever wanted to form a partnership and operate your firm with someone - this blog is for you!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

How to Embrace Leadership and Develop Your Team Members Into Leaders

When you’re running a team, embracing your leadership role can be tricky. You might not be comfortable in that role, but it’s an essential part of running your own bookkeeping business! Eventually, you’ll be able to develop your team members into leaders by modeling what you’d expect of them daily.

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Best Practices for Keeping Your Asana Streamlined and Organized

Asana has sooo many amazing features, but it’s easy to get a little carried away or distracted with all the tools. And when you’re busy running your bookkeeping firm, organization can get out of hand - fast (unless you have a system in place). In this blog, we’re outlining a few best practices for keeping your Asana clean, streamlined, and efficient.

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

The Top 3 Ways to Communicate With Your Team and Clients in Asana

Whether or not you have a team to support you and your bookkeeping or accounting firm, there are three ways to communicate in Asana that you need to use! In this blog, we’ll talk about our favorite ways to communicate with team members and clients. Plus, when’s the best time to use each method!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

How to Leverage Tags in Asana for Maximum Organization (Without Upgrading to Premium)

Using tags in Asana is one of the most effective ways to organize your projects, tasks, and work! They give you the option to get super creative, and run reports to get a detailed overview on what kind of work you’ve got on your plate. If you haven’t discovered the power of tags in Asana yet, it’s time to get tagging cause it’s a game changer for your bookkeeping and accounting firm!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

How to Use Color Coding in Asana to Next-Level Organize Your Bookkeeping Firm

If you’re using Asana to manage projects and tasks in your bookkeeping or accounting firm, you’re already on the path to success! But if you want to REALLY take your organization to the next level, color coding your Asana is the secret. Once you have a solid system for how to use color in Asana, you’ll have clarity and a high-level overview of all your work!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Best Bookkeeping Groups for Accountability, Support, and Community

Overcome the solitude of running your own bookkeeping or accounting firm by joining one of our engaging communities! These aren’t your average Facebook groups, because they’re built with a mission of supporting firm owners at all levels. Find a biz bestie, ask questions in a safe space, and share your wins!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Surprising Ways to Use Asana in your Bookkeeping or Accounting Firm

Bookkeepers and accountants often feel like Asana is only for managing client projects and tasks. The reality is, there are so many ways to use Asana to organize your firm, continuing education, and beyond. The best part? You don’t even have to do it from scratch (we’ve got templates!).

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

How to Run Your Bookkeeping Firm with Workflows and Asana (30+ Templates)

According to 1,000+ bookkeepers and accountants, we have the best course for creating and managing bookkeeping workflows. Our signature course, Kickoff with Asana for Bookkeepers & Accountants takes the chore of building efficient workflows and processes for your firm and breaks it into small, actionable steps. Read this blog to learn about the amazing transformations our students get to experience from the material in this course!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

The Best Apps to Integrate with Asana for Next-Level Efficiency in Your Firm

Saving time and energy as a bookkeeping or accounting firm owner is essential, but sometimes feels impossible. Choosing software to support you in your firm is one thing, but making sure you’re using them to their full potential is another! In this blog, we’re sharing our favorite Asana integrations to maximize efficiency!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

Creative Hiring Strategies to Recruit Your Bookkeeping Firm’s Dream Team

Recruiting top-notch candidates for your bookkeeping or accounting firm doesn’t have to be painful. With our creative hiring strategies, you’ll be interviewing the best candidates - and actually enjoying the process! Step outside the box of standard hiring practices to learn fun AND effective ways to build your team in this blog.

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

How to Host Productive Team Meetings in Your Bookkeeping or Accounting Firm

Team meetings are an essential part of running a bookkeeping firm when you have a team supporting you. If you’ve run team meetings in the past and felt like they weren’t productive, we’ve got you! This blog is all about hosting efficient team meetings that get stuff done and support a healthy company culture.

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

How to use Slack for Bookkeeping or Accounting Firm Owner

You might wonder if Slack is as useful to bookkeepers and accountants as it is to other business owners. The answer is YES if you are a firm owner who wants to streamline your team and client communication for good! Slack is quickly becoming a super popular tool for communication above using email alone. Get out of your inbox and into Slack to communicate more efficiently!

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Alyssa Lang Alyssa Lang

How to Create an Onboarding Process for New Team Members in Your Bookkeeping Firm

If you run a bookkeeping or accounting firm, you’ll need to hire team members in order to scale. But hiring the new team member is just the tip of the iceberg! You’re much more likely to retain and delight your new team member if you actually have a plan and onboarding process in place! Plus, building out an effective onboarding process isn’t as complicated as you might think!

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